Chapter 24

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"It must be him. He can be clumsy sometimes" I shake my head and get out from her room.

I walk downstairs, expecting to see Taehyung in the living room. He must have tripped over something.

I look around but there's nobody here. I swear I heard footsteps before..

Out of nowhere, someone wrapped his arms around my neck from the back. He tried to shove the handkerchief to my face, I know it must be a drug to knock me out so I keep struggling. Then I hit his face with my elbow and he finally lets go of me. I tried to run back upstairs to get ———— but he managed to grab a baseball bat and hit my head. I collapsed on the floor and watch the intruder dropped the baseball bat infront of my face.

But before he can walks away, I caught his legs and drag him to me. I don't want him to get anywhere near her. He falls but then I see him taking out a shining blade from his pocket. He points the blade at my face and when he's about to attack me, I caught his hand and I tried so hard to push him away but he throws a punch at me.

I want to punch him back but he took the chance to stab my arm then he quickly gets off from me. He didn't stop there. He takes the baseball bat on the floor and hit my head again.

I knocked out just like that...

"————!" I wake up screaming her name only to get Jin comes to me.

"Are you okay Jungkook? You're sweating" Jin pats the small towel onto my face.

I look at him dumbfoundedly then I let out a heavy sigh. "This is all my fault... If only I can fight much longer.. He wouldn't have got her"

Jin takes a seat next to me and rubs the back of my body. "Don't blame yourself. You tried your best.. Things just happened"

I nodded my head then I lie back against the headboard. My arm still hurts because he stabbed me there but my head feels a bit better now.

Someone knocks on the door and comes in with some foods. It's Yoongi.

"You're awake?" He asked me while putting the food that he bought onto the table next to me.

"Hi hyung" I smile at him.

"What happened to our golden boy? You feel better?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm okay.. It still hurts a little but I can endure it"

"Of course you can! You're our golden boy" Jin chuckled as he ruffles my hair playfully.

"How's Hoseok?" I asked him.

"He's looking for ————. You should see his eyes when he found out she got kidnapped" Jin stated.

"Yeah.. he looked like he can rips someone to pieces." Yoongi continued.

I really hope she is okay and I wish they can find her. But I can't stop myself from feeling guilty. All of these wouldn't happen if I'm a little stronger... I'm so sorry ————.

Please forgive me that I can't protect you.


Your pov

I slowly open my eyes and I feel that my whole body is so stiff. My mouth is still plastered by a tape and when I look up and see my hands are chained onto the headboard. I struggle to free myself but ended up hurting my wrist evenmore.

My surroundings are filled with paintings. Old paintings. The room doesn't have any windows but it's huge and somewhat luxury.

A minute feels like an hour. I can't be stuck in here forever. I need to get out from here.

Suddenly I heard the door is being opened. I widen my eyes when I see the guy coming into the room.

How could he do this to me....

He keeps walking toward me and gives me a sly smirk. He then sits next to me while still staring at me with such satisfaction on his face.

"My ————. How are you feeling?"

I can't answer him because my mouth is plastered by a tape so I just stare at him with fright.

He slowly takes his hand to my face and he gently strokes my cheek. "Finally you're here"

My heart is pounding even faster as he started to lean closer to my face. But he stops when we're inches apart. Then his hand slowly goes down to my chest, he brushes his finger against my collarbones and slowly goes to the first button of my shirt.

"Hmmhhh!!" I struggled to get away from him only to earned his dark chuckle.

"Shushh..." he started to unbutton my shirt one by one until it fully exposed my upper body.

His wild eyes roaming around my body and he looks back at me in the eyes. He bites his lips and I don't even wanna know what's going on in his head right now.

He placed his hand on my waist and I keep squirming under his touch, my tears keep rolling down my cheeks but that don't stop him from touching me.

"Stop moving" He demanded while glaring at me. I don't obey him and keep struggling.

A heavy sigh escaped from his lips as he takes out a small knife and points it on my stomach. I stop moving because that knife is too close to my stomach.

"That's more like it.." He smirks and slowly brings the knife to my cleavage.

He brings the knife lower and in just a blink of an eye, he ripped my bra with his knife, leaving me fully bare chest.

I keep crying and only my muffled screams are heard.


He then brings his head to the crook of my neck and starts planting kisses allover it. He begins to suck my soft spot and trails down his kisses to my boobs.

He slowly hovers on top of me. His hand is on my waist and his other hand is massaging my boobs while he keeps sucking my tit.

"Hmmhhh!" I tried to scream as loud as I can but it's useless.

He then looks up to me with an innocent smile on his face.

"Don't you think it's time to make you mine?"

He takes off his jacket and throws it away as his stupid pervert grin is plastered on his face.


Well that escalated quickly...
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