Chapter 23

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I peek downstairs from the staircase and I see a shadow of a man. I recognize that shadow but that's definitely not Jungkook.

There's one thing that caught my eyes. The shining blade that he is holding tightly in his hand.... and there's some blood on the blade.

Panic started to rush in. I quickly get back to my room quietly and I grab my phone to call Hoseok.

Luckily he picks it up right away.


"Ho-Hoseok? There's someone inside t-the house.. i don't know where Jungkook went but t-that person is holding a blade. Please come home I'm scared" I blurted out everything despite my trembling voice.

"I'll call the police for you. Hide somewhere. I'll be there as soon as I could" Hoseok sternly said and he hangs up the phone.

I decided to hide under the bed since the space is small and I hope the intruder won't look for me here.

My heart stopped when I hear the footsteps are coming towards my room. He started to bang on the door really loud and after awhile, he kicks the door until it opens and barges in just like that.

I could see his feet from under here. I feel like I'm going to die very soon but what the fuck does he wants here? I don't even know what happened to Jungkook. I hope he's still alive.

He slowly moves around my room and the first place that he checked was the closet. I keep looking at his feet, he started to roam around my room.

My breath hitched when he stops right infront of me. In just a second, he looks down under the bed and he caught me.


He pulls my hand to get me out and unfortunately I'm out. I can't even see his face since he is wearing a mask and cover himself with his hoodie.

"LET ME GO!" I shouted but he turns me around so that my back hits his chest.

He placed the blade infront of my neck and that makes me stop struggling. Any wrong movement, then I'll be dead.

"W-what do you want?" I asked him, trying to sound brave eventhough I know I failed.
He lets out a dark chuckle but he doesn't say anything.

"LET HER GO" Jungkook shouted at him.

He is standing by the door and I could see his arm and his forehead is bleeding. He probably knocked Jungkook out before he came upstairs.

I take that chance to throw my head back and hit him on his nose. He drops his blade and groans in pain. I rush to Jungkook and pull him away, trying to get away from that lunatic.

But that doesn't stop him from chasing us. When we're about to reach downstairs, I heard a loud shotgun being fired from my back.

I turn around and witness he just shot Jungkook's leg. Jungkook fell but he can still uses his other leg to kick him. The guy fell too and Jungkook quickly hovers on top of him.

"RUN ————!" Jungkook shouted and I keep running to the front door.

As I reached the front door, I turn the knob but it doesn't work. That guy have locked it from outside. Then I heard another loud crash coming from the staircase where they're at. My heart can't even stay a little calm right now. I don't have any choice but to hide.

I run to the kitchen but the guy is even faster than me. He pulls my hair and throws me onto the floor. He slowly walks toward me as I slowly backaway from him.

Suddenly he lunges at me but I quickly grab the vase beside of me and smash it to his head. Then I run to the backdoor, thankfully it's not locked.

I thought I'm already free from that guy but as I open the backdoor, there are two strangers waiting there and they quickly caught me and plastered my mouth with a tape.

They keep holding me back from struggling but then that lunatic guy finally comes out from my house.

I see him nodding at the guy who is holding me back and as I keep staring at him who is infront of me, I feel a sharp stinging pain shot into my neck.

"MMMHHHH" I let out my muffled scream.

I feel my head is getting heavier and my vision is blurry. I feel the world is spinning but despite all of these weird feelings, I still can see the guy is taking off his mask infront of me.

 I feel the world is spinning but despite all of these weird feelings, I still can see the guy is taking off his mask infront of me

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I squinted my eyes to take a good look at him but it's just too blurry. He looks familiar.

"Take her away. Quick! Before anyone gets here!" He instructed to the guys.

I know that voice... I recognize it.

I know this guy...

I can't keep my eyes open any longer. Everything feels so unreal. The blood, gunshots, Jungkook...


Jungkook's pov

I open my eyes just to find myself in a hospital bed. I can't really move my body. Everything hurts.

As my eyes wander around the room, I see Hoseok and Jin are sitting at the sofa, probably waiting for me to wake up.

"H-hyung..." My weak voice reached out for them. Jin heard me and he quickly gestures Hoseok that I'm already awake.

"You're still weak.. Just rest for now Jungkook" Jin said to me.

I nodded at him and looks over to Hoseok, "———?"

Hoseok slowly shakes his head. His eyes are red due to crying. He just lost his bestfriend and his sister in just a span of two days.

"It's not your fault Jungkook. I know you tried to protect her." Hoseok forces his smile at me as he strokes my hair gently.

I don't have any energy left in me to talk or even move a muscle. Jin calls for the doctor and I get evenmore treatment for my injuries.


Who kidnapped her?

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