Chapter 11

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Weird. It was here the last time I saw it.

I shrug it off, perhaps I misplaced it again. But it's my freaking bra. It should be here. There's no way I would put it inside of my brother's closet. Looks like I have to wear another one.

After I'm ready, I go to school as usual with Hoseok. I enter the classroom and take a seat next to Taehyung.

Class started to begin as usual and sometimes I could see Jimin keeps taking a quick glance at me from time to time. Suddenly my phone buzzes and I secretly check it under my desk.

It's from Jungkook. I open the text and he sent me a meme. A dick meme to be exact.

But before I could reply to him, he already sent me another text.

"Sorry I accidently sent this to you. Pretend you didn't see this"

This kid...

"Ms ————? What are you doing? Are you playing with your phone in my class?"

I startled and look at the teacher who is walking towards me. She then takes my phone away from me.


I just sighed and suddenly the teacher trips down and fall flat onto the floor. I wanted to laugh but I hold it in. The teacher quickly stands up and sees Jimin is smirking at her.

"You did it.. didn't you?" She glared at Jimin and Jimin quickly apologizes.

"DETENTION. BOTH OF YOU" She snapped and walks over to her desk.

I look at Jimin while holding my laugh and he just smiles innocently at me.


"I don't think this is the class for the detention.." I said as I'm walking with Jimin to the other side of the school.

"It said here it's at 5A"

When we entered the class, there are few students who are already in there. We both take our seat and waited for the teacher to arrive.

After awhile, the teacher comes into the classroom just to make an announcement.

"I have a meeting to attend right now but don't try to escape from detention. I know you guys" The teacher said and left the classroom just like that.

I sighed and still sitting there while scribbling down on a piece of paper. Suddenly someone taps on my shoulder and it's Jimin.

"Let's get out of here"

"We can't.. I don't want to get into anymore troubles" I said to him.

"So you rather spend hours here? C'mon" Jimin started to persuade me and at the end, I decided to follow him.

Both of us get out from the classroom quietly and take a look around the surroundings and make sure there is no teachers around. After we think that it's safe to head out, we both hurry to the emergency exit since it's the safest way to go out from the school's building rather than taking the elevator.

We enter the emergency exit and run downstairs as fast as we could but then Jimin who is infront of me stopped his tracks and asked me to stop too. I hear some footsteps are coming upstairs and I started to freak out. Jimin looks down and see our english teacher is coming this way so we have to go out at the 4th floor.

When we had to get out from the emergency exit, Jimin drags me to the dark corridor. The fourth floor is the place for laboratoriums and hall which rarely used so it's really quiet around here.

"Jimin wait.. I'm tired" I started to pant heavily and Jimin stopped too. He is facing me but then he quickly grabs my hand and pulls me inside the science lab.

He drags me to the back of a bookcase and he asked me to be quiet. After awhile, both of us heard few securities are walking outside of the lab. After they have passed, we exhaled a relief sigh.

"You're cute when you're scared" Jimin said as he boops my nose.

After awhile, both of us get out from the science lab and hurry back to the emergency exit and run downstairs.

Jimin and I succeeded to get out from school safely. Now we're walking at the nearest park while talking to each other.

"Your hand is so soft" Jimin suddenly blurted out and I could see he blushed as he said that.

"T-thank you.."

"To be honest I..." Jimin stopped and looks at me while biting his lips.

"I like you ————"

My eyes widen in shock and I just don't know what to say. He leans closer to me and holds my face while stroking my cheek with his thumb.


"Sshhh.. You're so beautiful"

We are locked in each other's eyes as if we could see the soul of ours through our eyes. But then I slowly back away from him.

"I-I'm sorry Jimin.. I like you too but only as a friend" I give him a smile and I hope he isn't hurt from what I said.

I see him sighed and looks down to the ground. But then he looks at me again but now he looks pissed.

"Is it because of Taehyung?" His voice changed into a lower tone.

"No.. N-no. Why would you think it's about him?"

"Then why don't you love me?"

"Love?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Love is a strong word. We just knew each other. Why would he asked me that?

"No Jimin.. I don't feel that way towards you. I'm sorry"

Jimin puts both of his hands into his pocket and takes a step closer to me. He is not smiling, he looks scary to be exact.

"Then I'll make you love me... one way or another" He said with his husky voice while glaring at me. Then he walks away from me to the opposite direction of where I'm going.

That's weird.. What is going on with him



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