The End

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Jimin's pov.

Two years passed after that incident and just another day of me having such an amazing day with my wife and my boy. While I am walking passed by my old graduation photo that hangs on the wall, there I see me, her and Taehyung.


I smile by myself when the thought of him cross my mind. If only he can just mind his own damn business... he would have lived by now.

I wanted him dead.

I always wanted him dead. It's no accident. I saw that chance and I went for it. I don't want a guy like him to disturb my life.

Kim Taehyung, I win now. I hope you're having a blast in hell.


I startled when I feel someone is hugging my leg. I look down and see my boy, he's grown up into a smart and a handsome boy.

"Hey cutie.. Where is your mom?" I looked down as I stroke his hair.

"In the living room! Come! I want to see uncle Jin" He holds my hand as he drags me to the living room. He's so excited whenever we're about to meet Jin. I guess he really likes him that much.


"You shouldn't spoil him too much" My wife said when Jin gives Jihyung a new toy.

"C'mon! I only have one baby that I love! It's okay, right Jihyung?"

Jihyung nodded with a wide grin on his face.

"You didn't even get me a new remote control car that I wanted" Jungkook mumbled by himself.

"You're a grown up adult who's working at your own father's company. Why would I even buy you things" Jin retorted, earning our laughs.

"Be right back I need to go to the toilet" She excused herself and walks away from there.

I keep my eyes on her as she's walking to another direction. Suddenly I see her bumping into someone. He have this crazy light mint hair and he looks so unique.

I walk closer to get a better view but not close enough to get her to notice me. I squinted my eyes and when I see the guy's face, my eyes widen and I could feel my heartbeat stops for a moment.

My wife's expression looks shock too as she stares at the guy.

He looks like... Taehyung.

But he is dead.

That guy bowed and smile at her but I caught him winking at her before he went away. I curled my hand into a fist as I watched the whole scene.

After about couple of minutes later, she came back to our table.

"I saw you with that mint haired guy" I whipered into her ear, not wanting Jin and Jungkook to hear our conversation.

"Did you see him? He looks similar to—"

"I know. But he's gone.. It's just another random guy just walked passed by you" I said as I gently stroke her cheek with a smile on my face.

"Yes.. Of course." She nodded her head.

I sigh and look at another direction of her and I see that guy again. I caught him staring at her but then he glares at me. I just keep staring back at him with a weird look on my face.

Then I see him slowly smirking at me. It sends chills allover my body. This stranger is creeping the hell out of me. For a moment I thought I'm just imagining things.

But no.

He is still staring at me and then he turns around to walk away. He pulls out something from his pocket and I could see it's a phone but then I caught a piece of paper fall out of his pocket too but he just doesn't realize it.

I watch him walking away from there when suddenly my son holds my hand as he asked me to look at the menu.

"Ah yes.. just order anything for me. I'll be right back" I excused myself and then I walk to the spot where that guy was.

I look onto the ground to see any paper that he just left out from his pocket before.

There! I see it!

I quickly pick it up and it turns out to be a photo. I turn the photo to see it and I feel like my heart just sinks down to my stomach, the world around me feels like it's spinning so fast that I can just pass out right here right now.

It's a photo of her with Taehyung when they were kids.

I quickly insert that photo into my pocket. It can't be..

He's dead.

Taehyung is dead.


I startled when I feel a hand taps on my shoulder from behind.

"Why are you here? Why do you look so pale? Are you sick hun?" She holds my face while staring at me with a concern look.

"N-no. I-I'm fine.. It's just—" Before I could finish my sentence, I could see that guy is standing against the wall, not far from we are standing at.

I see him texting and then he looks up and grins at me in such a creepy way. At that moment, my phone vibrates and I take it out to check who just sent me a text.

It must be great to have your own family, right? I could see my son grew up well and ————.... She looks perfect than ever.

From : Unknown.

My hand started to shake as I read the text that he just sent. I look up again to see him and he is still standing there. He slowly brings his hand to his face as he pressed his index finger on his lips, motioning me to keep my mouth shut.

"Jimin, are you okay?"

I look at her who is infront of me and of course I don't want her to know about this. It's going to be chaotic.

"I'm fine. Let's go" I pull her away from there and as we're leaving, I turn my head over his direction and gives him my middle finger then I leave the place.


Taehyung's pov.

Do you really think a devil like me could die easily? Bitch you thought?

I smirk by myself as I walk away from there. I'm a deceiver, I always am.

I trick people to get what I want.

Trust me, I always get what I want.


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