Chapter 18

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School break is finally here. The others have went for a vacation by their own. Namjoon already went to Ilsan by himself to meet his grandparents so we contact each other by texting.

I heard Yoongi went for a vacation with Jin and Taehyung is at Daegu. I also heard Jimin and Jungkook went somewhere else. Meanwhile, me and Hoseok are now at Jeju with our parents here.

Everything is going great. Until Namjoon stops contacting me. It's been two days I haven't heard anything from him.

I've asked my brother about Namjoon but he too, got the same situation as me. Namjoon doesn't reply to any of our texts for these past two days and I'm getting worried.

"How about the others? Can they contact Namjoon?" I asked him.

Hoseok keeps scrolling through his phonescreen then he looks at me with a serious look.

"No... That's weird..." He said then he proceeds to make a phone call to Jin.

"Hello hyung? Do you have any of his family's contact number at Ilsan?"

"Oh really?"

"Okay... Call me if you got anything"

Hoseok then hangs up. I look at him in concern and he slowly shakes his head. "Jin and Yoongi don't know anything. They can't reach out to Namjoon too..." His eyebrows furrowed while sighing.

"This is so weird.. Namjoon never been like this"

That makes me even worry about him. I can't even sleep well nowadays, knowing that there's nobody can get ahold of Namjoon.

The next day, after we had our lunch, I go back to my hotel room because I don't have any mood to go out today. But as I was about to reach my room, Hoseok pulls me and I quickly turn around to face him.

He looks like he's about to cry so I asked him what's wrong? He takes a deep breath, "Namjoon is missing"

My legs become weak after I heard him.


"I just got the news! Jungkook found a flyer of a missing person and it's Namjoon! Look!" Hoseok showed me his phonescreen. I see Namjoon face on a piece of paper with the word 'MISSING' on top of it.

No... It can't be real...

Without my knowing, my tears fall off from my eyes.

"W-we gotta go back.." My shaking voice managed to speak up.

Hoseok nodded his head and he went away to tell our parents that we have to go back to Seoul.

I quickly pack my bag back and waiting for him at my hotel room. Hoseok finally got us a flight ticket for today. Eventhough it's a night flight, I'm just glad we're be able to go back as soon as possible.

The others knew about this too and they are on their way back to Seoul. We are all worry and terrified of what would happen to Namjoon. I just hope he's okay. I just hope he's still alive.

Please... Let him be safe.


The next night, all of us gather at my house and discuss about Namjoon. The last time Namjoon was seen by Jin because Jin dropped by to his house before he went to Ilsan and the last person who contacted him was Jungkook.

But Jungkook don't know anything else. We are all getting evenmore frustrated. The polices are all looking for Namjoon but they haven't got any result.

My brother looks so pissed and he decided to look for Namjoon ourselves. We can't just rely on the polices.

Hoseok and Jin are going to Ilsan. Yoongi and Jimin will look for some places where Namjoon always hang out to. Taehyung decided to stay here along with Jungkook and me since they're still so tired from the trip he went.

"Stay here incase there's something comes up" Hoseok told me sternly and I nodded. After that, he gets out from the house.

"Can I sleep here tonight? I'm tired" Jungkook said while rubbing his eyes. I nodded my head as a yes and Taehyung lead Jungkook to the guest room.

I go to my room to have a quick shower, after that I wear my clothes and head to the living room to watch some news.

I heard the door being closed and I turn around to see Taehyung. He looks exhausted but as soon as his eyes meet mine, his face lighten up and gives me a smile.

He sits down next to me with a sigh. "I hope Namjoon will be alright"

"Yeah.. I hope so.." I look down to the ground. I am so worry right now. I'm scared of what might happen to him.

I feel a warm hand holding my hand firmly. I look beside me and Taehyung is giving me a small smile.

"Don't be sad.. He is Namjoon. He will be okay. Besides, all of them are looking for him"

I couldn't say anything but I already feel tears are falling down from my eyes. I embrace him tightly while crying like a little kid.

"Shush... I'm here.. He'll be okay so please.. don't cry" Taehyung strokes my hair while hugging me. I keep sobbing in his arms and I couldn't care less about his shirt that is now soaking with my tears.

After awhile, I break the hug. Taehyung gently holds my face and looks at me straight in the eyes.

"It's painful to see you crying" His low deep voice speaks while he is still staring at me. His thumb softly strokes my cheek, wiping away my tears.

"I just want him to be safe.. I miss him so much" I keep sobbing and he pulls me for another hug.

He rests his chin above my head while patting the back of my body gently. Taehyung doesn't say much while I'm crying but he just seems to comfort me in the way that he can.



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