Chapter 15

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"You do it like this" Namjoon teached me math and finally I can do it. He smiles at me as I pinch his cheek.

"You're so cute Joonie"

He looks down shyly, avoiding my gaze as he chuckles.

Turned out Yoongi is the man behind all of these things happened. He knew actually Namjoon likes me from the beginning yet he doesn't even tell me until Namjoon finally confessed to me and told me everything about it.

That guy... is really something. But Namjoon and Yoongi knew they shouldn't be doing this without my brother's knowing so finally they had a talk with my brother before Namjoon confessed to me. Luckily my dear brother approved our relationship.

But he'll kill Namjoon if he ever hurts me. Silly brother! I know how much he loves me but he didn't have to say that.

"So are we going to go out this weekend? Where do you want to go?" Namjoon asked as he organizing his books.

"I'll just follow you. I don't care about the place but I prefer somewhere calm and quiet" I said.

"I got the perfect place! We have the similar personality ahh.. soulmate!" He giggles then he grabs his bag.

"So.. see you this weekend" I said to him and he nodded his head.

As he is about to turn around and walk away, he stops and looks back at me.

"See ya" He kissed my forehead and waves at me before he finally walks away. Even if it's just a kiss on the forehead, it's enough to make my face heat up. I feel like I'm going to explode anytime soon.

Taehyung's pov

I walk through the school corridor and found her talking with Namjoon. I rolled my eyes and turn back to walk in another direction.

There's no point anymore.. Hoseok knew about this yet he already approved of their relationship.. I already hate my life enough.

As I'm walking, my shoulders bump onto someone. I look at the person and it even makes my day so much worse.

"Ahh.. Are you blind?" I sighed at him.

"You're the one who should watch where you're going" He glared at me.

I smirk as I know how to tease him, "Don't be so upset about ———— getting into a relationship with Namjoon. Is our Jimin baby is going to cry?" I mocked him as I started to laugh.

But then he suddenly slams me against the wall and stares at me deadly in the eyes. "I won't ever stop loving her.. and fyi, I always get what I want"

I push him away and fix my collar. "But it looks like you won't ever get what you want now"

He inserts his hand into his pocket without breaking contact with me. "Do you love her Taehyung?"

His question makes my breath hitched but I remain calm infront of him. I didn't even answer him and walks away from there.

"You're so pathetic. Staying by her side for all of these times yet you let her fall into another man's arms"

I stopped walking and stare blankly onto the floor. His words make my blood boil. I clenched my fist but luckily I can remain calm. I don't want to get anymore trouble in this school since I've been known as one of the good students here.

I shake my head and keep walking, trying to forget his words.

Knowing her loving other man is enough to make me frustrated plus Jimin is really getting on my nerves. I just want to kill him already.

As I'm about to leave the school area, she appears infront of me with the sweet smile of her. I wish she can only smiles like that to me.

"Going home? Let me join you" She said as she continues walking with me.

I stay quiet for the entire time we're walking and she remains silent too. But soon after, she breaks the silent with a question.

"Why are you being like this Tae?"

I stopped walking and look at her with my raised eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. You barely even text me anymore.. Even in class, you're always be so quiet. What is wrong Tae?" She bits her lips.

"I'm just... stressed. Alot of things been going on.." I said and continue walking.

"Then tell me. Tell me everything like you used to" She said behind of me.

I didn't even bother to look back at her or even waiting for her to catch up with me. I just keep walking away from her until I heard her footsteps running towards me.

"What is wrong with you?" She grabs my arm and that's when I finally snap at her.. For the first time ever.

"STOP IT" I raised my voice at her. She slowly lets go of my arm and looks at me in fear. Her eyes begin to get teary and I feel bad for yelling at her. I'm so stupid.

"Tae... What's gotten into you?"

I sighed and look away from her. I gather all of my courage and I don't even care if it'll breaks our bond or not. I just want to let it all out and let her knows the truth.

"I love you ————"

She stares at me blankly as I look at her full in anticipation. I want her to run into my arms and say that she has the same feelings toward me too.

But no... She remains silent.

"Why can't you see it? I've always been there for you. Yet you always see Namjoon and not me" I clenched my fist as I said that, trying to hold in my emotion.

"Y-you know that I've always love Namjoon.. Why would you do this?"

"I don't even care anymore! I love you and that's it! You think I'd be happy knowing you and him are a couple now?" I hold both of her shoulders while trying to hold back my tears.

"NO! I'm not happy! Seeing you now around him making my heart burns evenmore! I hate seeing you with another guy rather than me!" My deep voice yelled at her again and I let go of her. I can't hold back my tears anymore, without my knowing, my tears starting to flow from my eyes, down to my cheek.

"It's up to you if you still want us to be friends or not.. I respect your decision" I sighed and look down onto the ground.

But then, she holds my face and makes me look at her. She wipes my tear away with her thumb. Her face looks like she's about to cry too but she gives me a warm smile.

"I love you too Tae.. But, it's just.. You're like my own family" She stated as she strokes my cheek.

I just stare into her eyes and slowly pull away from her touch.

"I know.. I know that.."

I shake my head slowly. I hate this reality that I'm facing right now. I give her one last smile and leave her like that as I run away from her.

I just want to get away from her. Seeing her makes me want her evenmore. I can't do this.




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