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The car ride was so quiet when Samuel stopped the car.

He went out of the car as he opened the car door for me to exit,

I look around the place and found out that we stopped at the Han River in Seoul.

I look around the place and found out that we stopped at the Han River in Seoul

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"Let's stay here for a while..." Samuel said as he leaned against the railings.

The view of the Han River is amazing.

"I'm sorry for what my mother said to you, I didn't expect that she could say those stuff to you..." Samuel said as he turn his head to look at me.

"It's okay, your mom just doesn't want me to be your girlfriend, she wants Yeri..." I said to him.

"I don't love her anymore, I broke up with her because of her attitude and personality and I can't believe that my own mom is forcing me with her since Yeri is the daughter of my mom's best friend" He said to me.

"But I promise that they can't take us away from each other, we'll be always by our sides..." Samuel added as he hug me.

I hug him back as more tears comes out of my eyes because of what Samuel's mother said to me earlier.

"It's okay...don't mind her words. To me, you're better than anyone else. You're perfect in my eyes..." Samuel said as he cups my face.

I look up at him in the eyes as we stare at each other for a minute before Samuel leaning down to kiss me on the lips.

I fluttered my eyes close as Samuel was about to kiss me.

Then I remembered Jaemin's kisses and moments together with me.


I quickly turned my head to the side as Samuel kissed my cheek.

"W-what's wrong?" Samuel asked me.

"I-I..." I stuttered as I glance at my watch.

"Uhm...I need to go home! My mom might be worried about me!" I said to Samuel as I pulled away from him.

"I can give you a ride-" I cut him off.

"No, it's okay. I can go home by myself, you should go home now too..." I said to him as I slowly walk away from him.

"Y/N wait-" He was cut off when I started running away from him.

I stopped running away until he's already gone then tears threathened to roll out my eyes.

"I'm sorry...Samuel..." I said as I cried.

I waited for myself to stop crying and go back home.

Time Skip >

I entered my house to be greeted by my mom in the kitchen.

"Where did you go?" My mom asked me as soon as I entered the house.

"I had dinner at Samuel's house..." I said to my mom, not showing her my red eyes from crying.

"Why are you looking away from me? Did I do something wrong?" My mom asked me.

"No mom, I'm just...tired. I need to go to my room now and go to sleep" I said to my mom as I went upstairs to my room.

I entered my room and close the door as I plop down my bed.

I took off my heels and fix myself neatly on my bed when ny phone rang.

I grab my phone that's on top of my nightstand and look at the screen.

"Hi babe~ how's the dinner with Samuel and his mom?"

Jaemin asked as I decided to answer him.

"It's good..."

I replied to him.

"Are you sure? I don't think so..."

Jaemin replied to me until a "Video call with Jaemin" appeared on my screen.

"Answer it"

Jaemin said to me so I decided to answer the video call.

The phone suddenly show Jaemin on his bed with two cute stuff toys.

The phone suddenly show Jaemin on his bed with two cute stuff toys

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"Hey baby~" Jaemin said to me through the video call.

"Hello..." I said back at him.

"What are those two stuff toys for?" I asked him.

"Oh, it's me and you..." Jaemin said as he showed me the stuff toys.

"Me and you?" I asked and he nodded.

"Look...Me" Jaemin said as he lifted the stuff toy with a black hoodie.

"And you..." Jaemin added as he lifted the other stuff toy with white hoodie then making them kiss together with a "kiss" sound.

I chuckled at his cuteness and he chuckled too when I remembered what happened at Samuel's house again.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Jaemin asked when noticed my smile fading away.

"Uhm...it's nothing..." I said to him, giving him a fake smile.

"I don't believe you, tell me what happened..." Jaemin said to me, getting worried about me.

"It's okay, I'm going to sleep now..." I said to him.

"No, tell me-" I cut him off when I pressed the "end call".

I hate myself...

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