Chapter 2

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(Just a reminder, I'm not going to use Thailand royal rules and etiquette, I'm going to make up my own so I may not accidentally disrespect anyone's tradition)

(Just a reminder, I'm not going to use Thailand royal rules and etiquette, I'm going to make up my own so I may not accidentally disrespect anyone's tradition)

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The next day, Can is busy playing football in the field with the other boys. Ae said he has to meet someone while P'No and P'Type have exams. The hyper kid found an outlet that holds his short attention span longer. The boy realized its lunch so he hurriedly picked up his bag on the floor and left the field with his football. He played with the ball while walking not even bothering to check his path. 

He is the type of pedestrian who doesn't care if a car is passing by. Without looking from left to right Can crossed the road while kicking the ball.

That exact moment an Ashton Martin is passing by as he kicked the ball stronger hitting the car right on the window beside the driver's seat. The expensive car is made for its smooth features so this kind of force will not be going to damage the car but those actions may cause accidents for it may startle the driver.

The car stopped beside the road as Can tried to flee the scene.

Two men got off the car as they approached Can who is now on the moved. But the two bodyguards are fast and full of agility catching Can in no time.

"That's a dangerous stunt Kid," the larger among the two said.
Can is not scared. He is slow on things that needed of thinking.
He just hated the hassle because it is holding him down on his quest for lunch.

"I'm sorry P." Can think just apologize then he can go.

The Prince is having a bad day. The king summoned him and pointed out his unruly behavior. Tin wonder what behavior that is that called upon the attention of the King. Tin thought he followed the rules, he never done anything that may put the royal family in tough situations.

"Your Highness, May I know what is the behavior we are talking about here?."

"Prince, learn how to be warm on our people, they are the one that is the piar of our kingdom, I'm not asking you to smile at them..just befriend them, you will be succeeding the throne so learn how to treat you r people right ." The king Told his only son.

"Yes, father."

Tin's morning started on a royal sermon, but he is young..can't he enjoy a life as a teenager?

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