Chapter 9

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How many instances are there to be called coincidence?
One? Two? Or three times or more?

Maybe Tin can blame it to Pete for getting involved with Ae.
And Can, can blame Ae for it because he fell for Pete.
What is the percentage that they will met each other over and over again?
Like some there is a force that are putting them on same place at the same time.

Can's friends notice how Can shuts up every time Tin is around. And Pete notice how Tin look anywhere than Can.
Did something happened that they don't know?

At lunch, Type is looking at the Prince and Can back and forth. Not even once the two engage on a conversation if the other one is on it.

"Ah Can." Type nudge the boy who is wolfing down his lunch like there's no tomorrow.

"Mmm?." Can mumbled with his mouth full of food.

Type lowered his head with his mouth near Can's left ear. "Did you fight with the Pri- er , Tin?" He asked in low voice.

Can choke on a piece of chicken he was chewing when Type asked the question out of nowhere.
Can is on tears already with how the food entered the wrong pipe making him cough for breath desperately.

The table is put in chaos when Can's friend is bewildered and don't no what to give to Can in confusion.

Tin who in the entire time the group are having lunch is not even once looked at Can's way, pick up his glass of water and approach Can fast who is now coughing his guts out but still the food stuck on his esophagus is not budging.. Tin's right arm encircle Can's stomach while he  have set the glass of water on his lips.

Can hold on to Tin's hand that is holding the glass and drink the water hastily to clear up the thing that clogging his ear pipe. The canteen became silent as they watch their Prince act like a hero in time of bewilderment of the people around.

While Can's friends and Pete are astonish by the turn of events.
They all looked at Type who raised his hands in defense.

"What did you tell Can Ai'Type?." Techno ask his friend who just sigh.

"I just asked him if he had a fight with the Prince and I never expected this violent reaction." Type shrugged. So there's something going on that they don't know? The question is what is that something?

Can stand straight when his breathing turn back to normal. When he look at his friends they are looking at him weirdly again. His eyes look down to his stomach that is cage by someone's arm. His gazed followed the hand that he is holding against the glass. His head turned slightly and his eyes widen upon seeing Tin looking back at him with unreadable expression.

As if the two realized what is going on, the both step away from each other like being burn by each other's skin.

Tin's eyes looked around the cafeteria seeing they are the center of everyone attraction.

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