Chapter 30

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(Did I gave the king and queen names?? I can't remember..I skimmed tru chapters and I don't think I did? If so tell me please?.)

"What are those?." King Mongkut asked the Queen who is smiling while looking on something.

"The press that I allowed to cover the Prince's event, sent me the picture for approval before they publish it." Queen Lawana replied to his husband proudly.

"So?." The king got carried away by the beautiful smile his queen is giving making him smiled back.

"They are perfect, I never thought he can do this ..this early."

"So can I step down now? So we can enjoy the rest of our life?." The king joked.

"Stop it! Are you trying to kill your son?." Queen Liwana said with an eye roll.

"It is a joke my queen but when that time comes I still wanted to travel with you..what do you say hmm.." The king wiggle his eyebrow to Liwana making the queen laughed.

"If the ministers saw you acting like this they will doubt if you are still capable as their King." The queen shook her head. She goes back on skimming on the tons of picture on her table when two particular photos took her attention. She picked it up with a frown and the King notice the change on his Queen's expression.

"What's wrong?."


"What's wrong?." The king repeated.

"Nothing, nothing..hmm.." The queen answered absentmindedly.

"I think its not nothing when you are acting like you saw your son dancing naked in middle of Bangkok."

"If only it is that I think it's easier to accept." The queen said in low voice.

The king sighed as he put down the papers he is signing and approach his wife. "Let me see that." The king took the photo from the Queen and even he became silent.

The first picture can be called an accident. It seems like the Prince and his friends are playing some game because the people are all laughing and seems like enjoying the game but the seemingly lip lock is not something anyone paid attention too cause nobody made a fuss about it. The second picture is the problem.

The Prince is looking at the other boy as if...

As if he someone precious. If someone will ever saw it they will surely misunderstood because it is taken showing the Prince's and the other boy's eyes that is giving them too much emotions.

"My queen, don't judge the picture right away, I'm sure it is too suggestive because of the angle." The king squeezed the Queen's shoulder gently trying to erase the doubt that sprouted on his mind.

"You are right, you are right." The queen touch her husband's hand that is on his shoulder. He is right ..they can't judge something just by mere pictures. But as a mother it seems that her intuition is sending her warning bells and she is not ready to entertain that .

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