Chapter 72

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"You've grown, your highness

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"You've grown, your highness." Secretary Bonmak said while sitting inside the special prison for higher officials. The old man doesn't looked remorseful as he sat there with head held high in front of his king.


"I did what I'm supposed to do."

"To justify what? To justify your despicable thought about right and wrong? Who are you to decide that?."

"If you did it discreetly we wouldn't have acted the way we did but seeing you losing your mind over a guy is unexpected... It's you who put him on that situation, your highness."

"No, don't put on me what kind of twisted bullshit that you are... You are older and I expected so much from you but you almost took someone that I love so much from me and I can't forgive you for that." Tin said in low voice. His eyes is void with anything as he started down the older man.

"I'm hoping that you will be enlightened that what you are doing is putting your throne in serious questions."  The secretary put one feet over his knee as he sighed.

"My position is my birthright, it's not something anyone can just throw me out because they think I have flaws... I'm your king and my word is the law, I can give you back every pain, every bruise, every suffering that you gave him and still giving him... But he thought it's not necessary because he is safe now... But you know what's painful? To see him cringing in pain but he is trying so hard to swallow it all because he doesn't want me to worry but still he is there... They have to make him sleep in order for him to not feel the pain... How could you hurt someone innocent!? He looked like death the time we found him... Just an hour, a minute, a second late... We are almost too late but you are here acting like what you did is what's right." The king clenches his fists tightly as his inside boil in anger.

His mind drifted back at the hospital while he and Can are enjoying the tranquility of the moment.

"Tin.' Can called.

"Hmm?." Tin hum while mindlessly holding Can's free hand.

"About the mastermind." Can started while studying Tin's reaction.

Tin pause as he clenched his jaw. "What about him?."

"Don't be too harsh on him, maybe it's just their beliefs but they do have a point."

"Are you hearing yourself right now? They hurt you, no... They are about to kill you and you want me to be lenient with them? Their worthless lives will not compensate for what they did to you!."  Tin said in a raised voice. He heaves deep breaths as anger build ups on his chest but he doesn't want to agitate Can by his outburst.

Can stare at Tin's face seriously before he started chuckling. He held his bandage ribs as the pressure of laughter making it uncomfortable.

"What's so funny!." The king becomes frustrated as Can just laugh at his face.

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