Chapter 35

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(Hi, still alive? I want to tell you a secret..I want to see them became mature where they can handle problems on their own without mom and dad's help..oh I hate sad endings 😉 I know that the following chapters will be hard but please let's let them face it and I don't want a story that is rushed to happy ending...thank you for reading 😉😘🙇 )

Tin is walking in circle around his room. He have dark circles for not be able to sleep last night. He is worried  for Can. He is ignorant on what is going on. The  social media are scrutinizing Can instead of him. They we're calling him names that he never deserved. It should be him people throwing dirt at. It should be him they are calling names.

Tin tried finding his parents but the king and Queen is not in the palace. And just what the king ordered he was held captive inside the palace.

They are doing damage control as the PR team is trying to come up with a solution how to diffuse the issue. The more the palace stay quiet the more they would suspect things. And the bigger the issue would be.

Can's mother don't want him to go to school today because there's are reporters waiting outside but Can said that he can't hide forever. He would just tried to ignore everything..

Malee decided to send her children to school to be able to protect them as much as she could. The paparazzi became noisy when the saw the family came out the house. Yelled questions as they band the gate without regarding the privacy of the homeowners.

"Get in the car you two." Malee told her kids but they hesitantly do so.

"But mom."

"Just do it." She glared at the two before she approach the gate to open it she can drive the car out.

The reporters all jump in action to question the mother of the one they called them the menace for the Prince. Why not blame him? Why they are blaming Can when it's Tin who have all the power to force Can.

Ma'am is it true your son approach the prince first?

Did your son threaten the Prince?

Is it true that your family is using your son to get closer to the royal family?

Malee momentarily closed her eyes as he pushed her way to opened the gate without answering anyone's question.

How can this voltures a t as if they are not human?
Where did they even get this kind questions?

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