Chapter 8

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"Can, Pete will drop us home, will that be okay?." Ae already talked to Pete earlier about Can and they think its a good idea because Type and Techno is afraid Can will run his mouth thoughtlessly.

"Okay." Can agreed right away.

Tin glanced at Can in the corner of his eyes and realized that the teen who he deemed as slow when it comes to something serious actually wanted to avoid him.

Isn't that a good thing?

The logical part of his brain asked him but the stubborn and the proud side of him took that as an insult. It should be him doing the avoiding part. It should be him leaving first. It should be him turning around not Can.

The others who are stealthily watching the prince saw the change on Tin's expression. From the kind smile it became a sour grimace. They boys looked at each other while Can is busy counting the cars in the underground parking.
Pete hook his arm around Tin's shoulder and slowly guide him a bit further than the group.

"Your face." Pete start when he was sure they are out the earshot.

"What's wrong with my face?." Tin frowned at his cousin.

"Its ugly." Pete giggled.

Tin rolled his eyes elbowing Pete not too gently. "Ha ha, very funny."

"We have to talk later, but first please your highness, fix your face its not so royally." Pete pulled back Tin to the group who are now playing around at Can's expense.

Tin took a deep breath before plastering his princely face as Pete call it before facing Pete's friends. "I have to leave first and Pete here will be taking care of you about going home." Tin's eyes no matter how he force it back to the others still in the end it goes back to the hyper teen who is now on Techno's hold.
Tin clenched his fist when a detestable taste bubbles from his stomach on what he is seeing. This can't be happening, not now..not this.

Calm down.

"Thank you your - ah Khun for the free dinner." Type waii to the prince.

"Thank you." Ae followed uncomfortably.

Techno hold on Can's nape to force him to bow.
"P!, he is same age as us why do we have to bow like he is an uncle?."

Can's friend not only frozen they are already killing the stupid monkey using many ways inside their heads.

Pete cough as he motion for Tin.

"Ah, you are welcome and congratulations for the win..oh by the way Ae, Pete is my cousin." Tin smile like he is only giving away information but it has hidden meaning. A warning.

Pete glared at Tin but the Prince already entered his car.

When the car is out of sight, the boys aside from Can and Pete breath out in relief.

"Ai'Can!! How can you be so thoughtless, you have to watch yourself when you are around other people or you will be putting yourself in trouble very soon." Techno lectured his son or seems to be his kid on how much he have been saving the boy's ass.

"P'No." Can hold both of Techno's cheeks, stared on both his eyes deeply before opening his mouth." P'No, are you okay? Are you hungry?."


How can someone make people speechless with his simple remarks alone is beyond their sane minds. Ah its not simple, it will either make you cry or make you so mad that you wanted to beat that someone.

Good was dropped by Pete first then Can.
Ley is watching some series on TV when can arrived.
Ley is currently watching a show with royal theme drama and Can's little sister is squealing on herself making Can look at his sister like she's losing a screw.

"Why are you acting like a ghost is tickling you?" Can asked Ley who stopped squirming in place right away then pick up a throw pillow and hit his idiot of a brother on his head

"Leave me alone!." Ley shot her brother a stinky eye before focusing back on her series.

"I think watching that drama is bad for your health, you are having seizures every time I see you." Can stood up fast when Ley is about to throw the remote at him.
"See? You're getting violent too."



"Ugh." Ley throw both her hands in the air in frustration and at the same time tried to on giving up the nonsense banter that she and Can is having.

"P' by the way, have you seen the prince in your department?." Ley remembered to asked when Can is about to go up to his room.

Can paused on the first steps of the stairs and think. "I don't think so." Can shook his head.

Ley stare at her brother intently but Can still wearing that what are you talking about expression. "How can you not? He is popular and he is same year as you and he is hot" Ley cup her cheeks that are turning red.

"Now you are acting strange."


"I don't even know how he looked like, so how would I know if he is the one I'm seeing from the crowd." Can is about to continue on his way up but maybe Ley is too shocked to be associated to someone as oblivious as Can.

"Are you even serious right now?, even once you haven seen him in the internet? The prince are always on the news or magazines and you are telling me you don't know him?? Where are you from? Saturn?." Lemon attacked continuously hating that her own brother seems to do not care about the royal family. That's hateful being a citizen of their country.

Can lean on the stairs railing as he listen on his sister's rant. "Are you done?."

"No I'm not, your attitude is unacceptable P'Can, you can disrespect our leaders like that." Ley sermons seriously.

Can sigh as he looked at the ceiling. "First of all I didn't say I don't know the king and Queen, and it doesn't matter if I know or I don't know the Prince. I'm not a loss on his popularity, I'm just too busy on my own thing to even pay attention on a person who I'm sure will never ever know me, I will leave all the cheering for him on you so you have to work extra hard for the both of us , hmm?."
Can leave his sister not sure if he will throw the TV on Can or just ignore it.

Can never ponder on things like that. Life for him is suppose to be simple living. On his world, he prefer it to be quiet because over thinking is tiring. Who even want to hurt their brains till it bleeds.
When Can's mind drifted to Tin, he became absolute on avoiding the rich teen. Because he is not liking his reactions when he is near. Not at all. He will not allow anyone to change his perfect simple life. He wanted it to be just that, quiet and simple.

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