Chapter 39

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(This is 3800 words! Its the longest chapter I ever wrote), by the way I'm not ready to let of of my #2wish 😭😭, shout out for season 2)

"Pete, the graduating class on our department will be having an out of town trip next about you guys?." Ae said while glancing at Tin then back at Pete.

"I think the school wanted to combine the two departments for it to be more fun." Pete replied.
The four are now in the living room watching Netflix but no one is paying attention because their attention are on their

"It's next week already?." Can asked. Tin looked at him meanungfully and the two talked with their eyes. Maybe Tin don't have to make up excuses to be able to come out that day because it seems fate is giving them that chance.

"You should listen sometimes too Can when Mrs Sai is talking so you will know what is going on." Ae shook his head. Can always have trinkets inside his bag. Trinkets for him are foods..he would sneaky eat when he thought the teacher is boring. Sometimes he wonder how Can manage to pass his grades when mostly than not his attention is somewhere else.

"She's so boring, I don't understand what she's saying most of the time." Can reasoned out.

If people can see how Can made their Prince' as his caution they would be cursing him by now but because nobody is watching Can..can do anything he wants. Like using Tin as a pillow which in this case the prince accepted with open arms. He love it when Can is acting spoiled at him, being touchy feely only for him.

"Will the king and Queen let you join?." Pete asked his cousin that is looking like he is on his own euphoria while staring down at Can. Pete thought Tin is not even blinking. Jeez its not like Can will disappear once he blink right?

"I'll use the best weapon when it comes to things like this." Tin said after thinking for a bit.

"Which is?."

"Emotional blackmail." Tin grinned at his cousin.

"Well, that's your forte." Can said.
Tin pouted at Can but he got ignored.

"Why you don't want me to be there?." Tin asked.

"How can I hit on girls on their cute swimsuits if you are in there looming from the distance like some death God waiting for my soul to separate from my body." Can rolled his eyes.

"I'm sexier than girls FYI ." Tin boasted  before flexing his muscles but he grunted when Can elbowed his stomach.

"You two..will you please minimalize this display of affection because it can blind anyone who witnesses it." Pete commented.

"I don't complain when you are molesting Ae in front of me thou." Tin raised an eyebrow at Pete.

Ae chuckled upon hearing it but shuts up right away when Pete glared at him.

"So..are you going?." Can looked up at Tin questioningly.

"I will." Tin said confidently.

Before the day of the trip, the palace made sure the place that the school rented is secured.
It is a hidden village resort located in Phuket. The king and Queen know that Can will at the same place their Prince but they can't cut all their son's memories just because they are worried. Making sure that no press will be slipping in, they posted palace guards at the resort.

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