The Prince's Lost Love

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"You left

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"You left." Cana said. His voice is flat and void of any emotions unlike the lively and charismatic little prince of the past.

"No, your highness... It was you... who left."  Jaxy replied softly. His smile can make every heart turn into a mush. "Have you forgotten?" Jaxy added as bow his head lightly before turning to leave the room, his smile was wiped off from his face and turn into a painful grimace before his expression goes back to to his usual stoic face.

Is the past worth looking back? Or maybe its not worth it to even think over.

They were inseparable.
They were best of friends.

But a circumstances break them apart.

Can time heal the wound that was cause by mistakes of the past? Or it will only give them more pain?

(I'll be continuing Cana and Jaxy's story from here cause yours truly is lazy 😂 where we can still glance at our kings lives ... It will be slow so bear with me 😩)

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