Chapter 24

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Can notice that he is getting dependent. Almost everyday Tin find a way to pester Can. Different method, different situations every single day.

Like at lunch while Can is on his way to meet his friends at the cafeteria, suddenly two bulky men dragged him to a tinted black van that is park on the parking space for employees. Remember those moments where our parents always telling us when we are a kid? Don't talk to strangers, don't accept candies from men with a van?

They didn't even offer me candies..

He almost wet his pants in fear that this is those syndicate that kidnap young boys and sell them somewhere to be a slave or rich women who love boys as their toys. (This thinking though)

But then when he manage to calm down after punching one guy on one eyes and biting the other on his hand he saw Tin sitting inside laughing in amusement as if he is watching a live variety show.

"Wow! That is pretty impressive, you manage to hit them, one of the best security anyone can have." Tin chuckled but he yelp when Can suddenly punch his thigh.
Tin signal his men to stay put when they are about to reach Can and let him handle it.

"That is just right for you, can't you be normal and just eat with your cousin and us in the cafeteria where students normally eat their lunch, why do you have to asked them to just picked me up like some bad guys without explaining anything." Can said in annoyance. Who wouldn't? When he almost wet himself in fear and he is losing minutes of his lunchtime.

"Well I love your reactions every time I do that and besides I can't enjoy the meal with you if we will eat there." Tin pouted like a two years old.

"Why? I can feed you if you want..if you need a nanny just so you can eat."

"Huh?." Tin is confused once again. What nanny?

"Aren't they spoon feed you inside the palace?." Can asked as if what he is saying make sense.

Tin paused as if he is processing what he heard then his laughter boom inside the enclosure of the car making Can throw annoyed glare at the laughing Prince.

"Thank you for laughing at my expense." Can crossed his arms over his chest grumpily.

"I'm sorry, its- it's just.. Oh my God..give me a moment." Tin took deep breaths to calm himself. "I am amaze on how you picture royals are." Tin shook his head. "We have our hands to feed ourselves, we only have people to prepare and serve our food, what are you thinking.. Royals are invalids?."

"I don't know, it's just a thought because you are the final boss oh not yet you are the under boss and I'm sure you are use on things going on your way." Can rambles. The truth is Can have no idea how royalties work, he never had any interest to even listen to social science more. He even fall asleep on history but for some joke of someone he can't see they manipulate his path to meet Tin on a crossroads.

"To be honest, in ten wishes I have, I only get one if I'm lucky I can have two because I'm not as lucky as you guys, I can't go anywhere I want, whenever I want..I can't eat just anything..I can't show any weakness or bad traits." Tin shrugged. He shouldn't be saying that, like he is complaining. But can't he just do it with Can? Because even he don't want anyone to know..he wanted to go out watch a movie with Can, to eat out, to make fun of people they saw doing stupid things.. To follow Can around.
Tin got startled when he felt a sting on his cheek.

Can hated gloomy atmosphere, he is a kind of person that would rather be called shallow than listen to anything sad.
"Just be thankful of the things that you have than be sorry for the things that you will never have."

Tin became dumbfounded on what Can said. Its not obvious but this boy can say things that are the right words to say without him noticing to make things better. He can make Tin stop worrying or thinking negatively. Tin chuckled when Can ignored him as he start digging in on the food he asked one of his bodyguard to buy.

"Here." Can set the chopsticks that is holding food in between in front of Tin's face, Tin unconsciously open his mouth as Can feed him like it is a normal thing to do between them.

Tin losing all his cautiousness when Can is involved. He forgot all the Palace etiquette about him not allowed using same utinsels or things as the others.

"You won't be full by just staring at me..I'm not that talented to make others no need to eat when I'm around." Can told Tin as he continued feeding the Prince simultaneously when Tin didn't move to eat on his own.

"Don't get use to it, I'm just on a hurry and you seems like you are flying somewhere else with how you are just sitting there like you don't need to eat." Can point his chopsticks to Tin before continuing on his lunch.

"I won't ."

"Next time just text me please instead of trying to kidnap me..what if suddenly I turn into superman I might hurt your security." Can said seriously like that is possible.

"Yes sir." Tin mock a salute that Can take as an insult so he poke Tin's head as a retaliation.

"Thank you for this by the way."

"You are more than welcome, I wish we can go out like normal couple." Tin sighed.

"You are not allowed to go out?." Can frowned.

"I am, but I can't go out alone." Tin explained.

Can gasped when he remembered that time he found out Tin is a prince.
"You sneaked out..that time didn't you?" Can said in a matter of fact tone.

Tin cannot pretend that he did not, because he don't want to lie to ease Can's worries even though he's been giving him more problems as he insist on letting Can enter his life.

"Why you didn't tell me that you can't?."

"Because ...that time I want to see you, I want to see in person your excitement and I am never regret it cause every moment of that night is worth it." Tin smile as Can avoid his gaze while his cheek suddenly turn red.

"Crazy." Can mumbled.

"Yes, ever since I met you I can feel that I'm losing my are a bad influence." Tin joke.

He wanted to stop this kind of memories. He wanted to frame it so he can admire it nnytime he want.

Can..will you hate me if I want you to stay...forever?

Will you believe me if I'll tell you that I can defy the world just to have you?

Because its getting hard for me to let go...and I'm afraid that I will end up hurting you because of my selfishness.

For Can, this is a stage of discovery. He discover that he is able to think about one person more than necessary. And he even not that tired to think.

Why as I know him more is making me realized he is sad?
And I am the idiot that fall for it like a moth on a flame.

I'm hoping that once my wings are burn the fall won't hurt much.

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