Chapter 43

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If you haven't seen me crying, it doesn't mean I'm not sad.
If I am laughing
Maybe because I remembered you deep inside...

What are the difference between Thailand and France... Air? People? Weather?

There are many differences that Can, can enumerate but there's one thing that will always stand out.

Thailand is home. It will always be home however long he stayed somewhere else.

The moment Can stepped out the plane and he breathed in the Bangkok air..he is assaulted by sudden homesickness. The thing that he never entertained because it will only cause him endless sadness. But now that he is back, it has risen up to make him feel how he missed his country.

More than six years and it felt like it was only yesterday. That he stepped on the same airport to fly away. Away from all the familiar things. To leave everything behind.

Can shook his head to erase all the depressing thoughts that are running around his mind.

He is home...and he should be focused on that.

His family is waiting for him in excitement. He can see it even with the distance.
They hugged for eternity until Can almost have all his joints dislocated from their rightful places.

His mother gushed over the prodigal son that been away for long and now he is back.

"Are you tired? I'm sure you are..hungry? Of course, you've been in the air for quite sometimes.. I guess you are sore you wanted to do? Rest? Or maybe let's have dinner first? What do you think?." Can almost laugh on how his mother would ask a question and answer them herself. What is the used of asking him then?

"Calm down, let's eat first...I think I can still stay standing for maybe at least three hours." Can chuckle as he kissed his mother's forehead. "I missed you, Mom."

" too..always." His mother's eyes became misty making Can felt bad. He pulled out his handkerchief and gave it to his mother with a joking smile.

"It comes with the age isn't it?." Can wiggle his eyebrow at his mother as Malee pinch her son's side?

Can look at his sister that is quietly observing in the side.
"Ley, you became uglier." Can grinned at his sister.

"P'Can! Ugh..we've been part for how long and you are annoying already." Lemon put both hands on her hips as she glared at her brother.

"You missed me I know." Can laughed as he opened his arms and his sister run to his embrace.
"I missed you na." Can said over Ley's head.
Lemon nodded against her brother's chest. She never thought she will miss her idiot brother like this.

"We can eat first before going that fine?." Their mother turned to them as she asked.

"No problem.. I'm fine with that." Can pulled his luggage as they go out the airport.
The air is a bit dry as they stepped out the air-conditioned area. Can plaster his face against the window as he gazed outside the car. He saw familiar places with unfamiliar establishments. Bangkok seems more lively and prosperous that he remembers.

"It seems like Thailand change over time." Can said as if talking with himself.

"Yeah, it did change ..lots have changed."

Can wonder if people will remember the boy who was involved on their King's messy younger years...maybe none..hopefully.

As they walked inside a restaurant, they are led on a Private booth and Can wondered what is the used on that when it's just them but he chooses to ignore it while he follows behind the two ladies.

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