Chapter 14

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Three children, childish? Or is it child-like? inside a ride that usually for kids ages ten and below and the older kids like those heart pumping ones. (N/a Can you tell that I like carnaval rides?😄)

But there are three teens who are sitting inside the close capsule like ride, Lay are busy taking photos and cannot stay still. While Can is checking outside the ride looking for what to do next.
Tin who is awkwardly sitting with his fists tightly clench on his lap.

He is not comfortable with the Ferris wheel. Is it bad that he is thinking they will die soon? With all this creaking sounds that the iron bumping with each other, its not exaggeration that he is not feeling safe.

While the Prince is busy thinking about his safety, Can notice him sweating on the side..unmoving.

The usual slowpoke manage to pick up what's wrong.
Tin is startled when a warm hand envelope his clench fist.
He look at Can who is sitting too close to comfort.

Don't he know what personal space is?.

"Are you scared ?." Can asked. His eyes is staring on Tin's soul. That's how it seems like on how close Can is.

"Um, uncomfortable." Tin have to squint his eyes because he is worried he will be cross-eyed soon with this closeness.

The exact moment Lemon turned and saw the too suggestive position of the two. Can is leaning to Tin like he is going to kiss him and Tin looking down at Can with soft expression. The fuju girl click her phone without her noticing that she is capturing that moment.

Ley mentally slapped herself for that thought for the Prince.

But I can't help it!

"Oh, okay.." Can sit properly when he remember something.
"What is it that you wanted to tell me?."

Lemon silently watch letting the Prince say it himself. His brother is someone who don't hold grudge on people as long as they tell him the truth because Can is extremely honest to his friends.
Although her P' is most of the time annoying she don't want to replace him with anyone else.

Tin glance at Ley who just nod at him, The Prince is a confident lad. He is someone who know what he want and he always try to do what is right but at the moment he would like to stay friends with Can. He wanted to see him at school, to talk to him and watch him eat like its his last. What if Can realize that its too troublesome to be friends with him? What if he avoid him?
But he know that Lemon have a point. No, she's right.
So taking a deep breath he stared on Can's eyes.
"I'mtheprince." Tin said fast.

"Huh?.'Can blink his eyes trying to decipher Tin's sentence.

" I am the prince." This time he repeated slowly.

The insole is envelope with silence after that. Tin is not sure why he is worried, why the thought Can would hate him leave a pinch on his heart. Maybe that's better? Because ever since he met Can he always think of things outside his royal duty, his royal life.
He looked at Lay who is encouraging him as bitter smile appeared on his face the longer the silence dragged on.

Then he got startled when Can suddenly poke his side with his pointed finger. Then again, then pulled his hair.

What in the world is he doing??

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