Chapter 54

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( The magazine which features Perth and Saint / Mean and Plan is out! And it's on fiyah! )

Tin is in a good mood. His mind will drift back to his room where a certain one is sleeping in his bed without a care in the world many times than not, making the people inside the conference room look at each other as the King would smile as if there's something amusing... when before, he would always wear a stern face while listening to them.

The nation affairs is a serious business that the King needs to focus his mind into. Carrying the whole country over his shoulders alone is a heavy burden that comes with his birthright. And sometimes the loads became even more demanding as people will always find fault on the King's way of handling the country.

Tin knows he is doing great. He is not perfect. He will have mistakes whether he wants it or not. Governing a whole nation is not something to play with and handling it with such earlier age people expect him to crumble, to fall short and maybe give up.

Sometimes he wanted an escape. He wanted to be free, without worries, without this huge responsibilities. If he can be a normal person for a day, if he can walk around with his face on, in a place where people will treat him as one of them...maybe that would be awesome.
But of course, Tin don't hate his birthright. He doesn't hate power that comes with it, he doesn't hate the responsibilities that came as a package with being a king. It's just that... He got tired too. He is not allowed to slack off.  He wanted to say that he wanted to rest even for just a bit.

But now that slowly Can is on his arm's reach, he is exuded with happiness that the past year's becoming just a vague dream. Something he can forget because Can is here and he is crazy if he will let him slip away again.

But, will Can look pass his weaknesses and idiocracy that lead him to such destructive lifestyle in the past? The only consolation and reason he can give are he was utterly hurt and devastated by the sudden departure of a love that he was not ready to let go.

He can't use that though... Because that would be saying he suffered While Can had a joyous life which is not the fact.

His baby suffered more than him and it's killing him because he was not there to was the burden and pain.

"..... Highness..."

"Your highness!." Tin is awakened by the loud call from the secretary of defense.

The people in the room is having a conflicted feeling on their King's change of expression every second. It's even more dishearting to ask him when from happy, gloomy, sad and angry... He manages to make the somehow calm room into a tense one.

Tin sweep his eyes to the defense secretary unwavering even they caught him in a daze. He coldly watches the older guy with steel firm eyes that can make any man step back. Maybe its hereditary, maybe it's pass on because even though The King is way older than his subordinates he can still make them bend for him. He can make them do his command with just his mere eyes.

"What is it?." Tin asked.

"We received an intelligence report, your highness." The older man who has a stern face told the king.

"Which is?."

"My asset heard rumors that are floating around the lower district about the royal family's well being."

"You mean, a threat?."

"Yes, sir."

"A rumor," Tin repeated highlighting the word rumor.
His eyes are probing and serious as he clasped his fingers together with brows knitted together in a frown. "Are you telling me that there's a threat but it's a rumor?."

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