Chapter 49

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If love is a game that fate plays, what is the chance of human to win? If fate is the puppeteer that control the strings of love, how will human walk away from it?

Life is like a bag of skittles, too many beautiful colors, you'll be conflicted on which one to eat first but in the end, they all taste the same. But sometimes colors change people's perspective in choosing... Colors can manipulate one's decision and they will think, ah I think I should have chosen a different one.

Love is like a sea of stars. You see it every night, twinkling in the sky. Some are brighter than the others. Some are bigger than the rest and human do everything to find the answers on their whys but just like love, there are no definite answers.

Love can be sweet.
Love can be painful.
Love can be patient.
Love can be controlling.
Love can be kind.
Love is imperfect.

People don't understand that love will never be perfect. It's those imperfections that made it beautiful. It's those imperfections that make it sweeter.

But sometimes people step back in sight of those flaws. Not because they are scared but because they thought fighting is losing.

As Tin and Can avoid talking about those whys and pretended that it's better to not dig it up means, the wound will never heal. Walking on a path that they had chosen without each other doesn't mean they will forget.

"I had fun." The simple phrase, simple words that contain sincerity. 

As Can watch the car disappear into the night his chest become heavier with conflicting emotions. His fingers that still itchy as the familiar tingles from the mere touch came back with a vengeance, to remind him that he failed. His mind seems like mocking him when he realized his body reacts the same way. How unfair life can be? How long will it take to forget a mere feeling?

"You three looked perfect together, like a family." Can almost lose his soul when Lemon who he didn't notice that is standing beside him suddenly talk.

"Stop sneaking!." Can glared at his sister in annoyance. The years he was away hasn't change Lemon's nosiness, it only intensifies.

"You didn't notice that I've been standing beside you because you looked like a mom sending her husband and kid to a fishing trip for the first time, you have this worried, conflicted and sad moment going on that if I don't know you I will think that those two are you most beloved persons...or maybe they are," Lemon said as she tries to instigate her brother.

Can looked at his sister thinking how this girl's mind even work. "You are imagining things." Can choose to ignore it and proceed to walk inside the house.

"My imagination is powerful tho, it can see beyond the future," Ley said with a matching hand compass.
Lemon sigh when Can do not react just like what she expects but instead his brother became even more gloomy. "Stop trying to escape P', let the stream flow freely because the more you wanted to fight the current the more you'll be drag underneath."

"Wow, and here I thought all you know are the fundamentals of your cult and here you are being poetic.' Can can't help but laughed after hearing Lemon's anecdote.

"I quote it from some random songs and what cult are you talking about?."

"Your cult that consist of mostly girls like you who's eyes glows suspiciously in the sight of dudes not really doing anything but just happen to walk side by side." Can wanted to say doing gay stuff but he chooses not to because whether he admits it or not he did gay stuff in the past., shit!

"It's not a cult, we are called Fujoshis or fudanshis FYI, we only appreciate the beauty of man to man or boy to boy love spells, it's so cute and beautiful..."

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