Chapter 68

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Two days

It's been two days that everyone is frantically looking for Can.
Reynaud hastily flew to Thailand upon hearing the news and he is worried sick for his friend.

The king is at the head of the table inside the conference hall but he is not talking. His eyes are bloodshot with how minimal sleep he has.

Everyone in the room are the high ranking officials of the nation's security. The police, the navy, the air force, the palace security intel. Everyone are silently waiting for the king to speak. What are this for? The only group who have an idea are Tin's close up security.
While the rest of them are all asking themselves what's going. Is there a threat for the nation that they don't know?

Tin's face is like a blank canvas. He looked indifferent, cold and uncaring even but inside his head are in a chaotic state. Worried, scared, angry, meshed into one.

He is more scared. How can someone vanished in the air just like that, without a trace, without any sign. Tin felt so powerless and useless in times as important as this.

Can's family and friends are all worried sick. Can may hide from Tin but he will never do that to his family so him hiding is out of the question.

Reynaud also brought all security tapes that may help them and just like what he said, he sent Can till the chute connected to the plane until it leaves the runway.

The plane is being held down as of Tin's order, every nook and cranny has been checked but even Can's luggage is missing.

No, that indication did not cross Tin's mind. This elaborate and sudden disappearance is not on Can's capability.

"I need everyone's cooperation, I want a manhunt." The King started cutting the low murmurs around the room. "I know everyone here know about the news that are circulating about me, me your king having a man as a lover... That's true, I'm not going to elaborate now how and when that happens because there's a place and time for that... But he is missing." Tin's clear voice reach everyone's ears. Rumor and hearing it from the subject are different. Rumors are altered truth while admission is an absolute truth.

Mixed emotion filled up everyone's heart and questions floats in the air.

That person is a nobody, he is not a member of a Royal family making everyone aside from the palace guards felt half half. They are called for someone they don't know and the King's admission had taken them aback.

"No one is exempted, I'm ordering everyone to find him, to bring him back to me." Tin said in a loud and clear voice.

"Your Highness, if I may speak." The chief of police said.

"Go on."

"Sire, I'm not doubting your Highness judgment but I may suggest that maybe the missing sir is somewhere he gone to willingly." The old man said.

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