Chapter 11

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Can is once again eating alone. With Techno nowhere to be found and Good in the library studying because his mom is not satisfied with her son barely passing his grades while Ae is bugging his boyfriend somewhere, Can may looked like he is oblivious with the obvious but he is not, in actuality he can tell..he just hate putting his nose over someone's business even they are his friends.

So that's end up with Can alone on his spot. He don't like eating in the canteen when his gang is not with him. The noise and chatters are giving him headache making him unable to enjoy his most beloved, aka food.
The truth is Can never like the noise, he wanted silence. Him talking a lot is his way of avoiding people. He is not good on talking, he always clamming up and making a fool of himself but that's a good thing. The other boys his age found him weird, but for him he like him this weird. Not everyone can be as weird as him, don't they?

While eating silently, someone put a paper bag with the logo of a restaurant in front of him as the person sat down.

Can looked up and he have to punch his chest to unclogged the food that was stuck on his throat. Why every time this guy appear there's a possibility he will die on embarrassing reason? Like dying by choking and that's not even one pretty reason to go to heaven. How can you explain it when you are in heaven's Gate and the gate keeper ask what's the reason of your passing? I choked on a piece of chicken. Can shook his head with that thought.

"What are you doing here?." Can asked the other Teen who is now laying down boxes of different foods that cannot be found on their cafeteria in front of Can. Can he stab him with his chopsticks already? How dare he insult Can's humble meal with his extravagant lunch boxes?
Of course Tin cannot tell what's on Can's head.

"I happened to pass by here and saw you eating alone and lonely so I thought I'll accompany you and grace your loneliness with my awesome existence." Tin shrugged his shoulders then pick up his chopsticks and start eating.

Can is about to say there's no chance Tin would be seeing him there unless he would look for him on purpose but forgot about it when the rich student's words registered to his brain.
"Wow, thanks a lot your highness for gracing this humble citizen's lunch with your presence." Can waii in front of Tin jokingly but because he had his head bow down he missed the moment the Prince's eyes widen.
Can laughed when he saw Tin looking like a fish out of water.
"What? Its a joke jeez, unless you really are from the royal family."

"What if I am?." Tin asked testing Can's reaction.
No, it is not a coincidence that he saw Can eating there alone. He was trying his luck if he will saw him here because he don't want to eat on the cafeteria with the other students. And the luck is on his side when Can is really on his spot. He will never admit that he's been looking for the clueless boy anywhere. He can't stop himself even he was trying hard.

He wanted to see Can.

Can paused for a moment pondering on the possibility of Tin as a royalty, but Can don't want to entertain that idea even though Tin act too cultured and with high class breeding.. Like a prince.

"Are you?."

Tin is taken aback by the serious expression on Can's face. The boy always wears his naive face. Like in normal circumstances, he would be the last one to know.
" ah, I'm - I'm-"

"It doesn't matter." Can cut Tin's stutters.

"What?." He don't care?

"If you are a royalty, do you want me to treat you differently?." Can is not sure what he will do if Tin happens to be a royal. Can hates complicated things, as he was saying repeatedly.. Thinking is tiring him out.

"If I am, I wouldn't want you to treat me differently." Tin said honestly. He don't want Can to be cautious around him. He wanted him to be just himself, no pretentions.

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