Chapter 46

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It's killing me to say I'm fine, when I really mean, you're my all and more

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It's killing me to say I'm fine, when I really mean, you're my all and more....but I need a room to breath...

Can arrive home with a bad mood. The plan to go back to sleep flew out the window as he seeth in anger by himself.

But sadness pushes the anger away as he thought of the past Tin. He was not like that before, he was not the snarky adult that he is now. Can wonder if he is part of that change. If it was because of him that the face that always full of life is now full of doubt. The eyes that always twinkle with something fun and witty is now clouded by coldness.

Can sigh while rubbing his face. He is not perfect. He is not thick skinned to be fine with everything. But what can he do when all his options have holes, to begin with?

As Can is thinking harder than before his door opens up without warning. Can look at his sister pointedly but Ley only gives him a sheepish smile showing a peace sign.

"What?." Can ask.

"Let's go out?." Ley asked before she entered the room sitting beside Can in his bed.

"Now?." Can ask incredulously.

"Yeah, now... I don't have work today and I thought we should bond outside." Lemon told her brother.

"We can also bond inside." Can refute.

"P'Caaannnnn, you've been in Paris for quite some time and every time we go there we are just a tourist and I don't know if we will ever have a chance to do so!." Lemon whined. And that moment Can saw the teenage Ley, his sister that patiently put up with him before. One thought crosses his mind, he missed her growing up.

"Alright! Jeez, you are this old and still acting like a child... I pity whoever manages to go blind and ended up as your boyfriend." Can taunt his sister who only punches her brother's arm.

"Shut up! Just get ready... I'll wait for you outside." Lemon left her brother's room to prepare herself.

"I'm serious!." Can follow up but Ley just ignored him.

Can's mood slightly changes to the better as he goes shower.

The siblings manage to leave the house almost at noon with Lemon who've been hurrying Can up took forever to prepare.

The two go eat lunch right away because it's already lunchtime when they arrive at their destination.

An open market that is open every day. With everything sold in it. From food to clothes, from accessories to arcade games.

"Does Paris have markets like this?." Lemon asked while they roam around.

"Of course, I think every country have their own flea markets... It's easier for the people to shop because usually, you can find everything in one place and it's cheaper".

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