Chapter 3

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Tin is aware of all the curious eyes that are watching him being dragged by a smaller boy. But Can seems so oblivious on the stares they are receiving as he is busy singing a song that was made up of different food. How he does that is a mystery for Tin.

On the other student's minds, they are thinking who in the hell is this guy who is casually holding the Prince like its a normal thing. The noble teen that is not on anyone's level is being pulled around by an unknown kid. Isn't that absurd.

Tin ignored the looked as he wears a stoic and nonchalant expression. No one will have the guts to question him why he is with Can. He didn't mind this. In fact, maybe this is the friend out of the expected circle the people put him in.

Can looked back on Tin with his usual child-like smile. As if telling Tin that they are about to enter paradise. Well, Can's paradise. Can exaggeratedly inhale, his hand is not letting go of the Prince's wrist. Inside the cafeteria where lots of students are having lunch paused as they tried watching the Prince without staring obviously. But the sudden silence inside is enough indications that they are indeed staring.

"Hey, Tin..let's order then let's go eat on my spot!." Can who Tin don't know if just ignoring the awkward silence or he is just born simply minded.

"Um, sure." Can didn't ask on what Tin wanted to eat..the boy proceeded on ordering more than five dishes making Tin's jaw dropped. He looked at the menu then back to Can's skinny stature than the menu then back wondering where are the foods go.

Can put his palm in front of Tin for his share for the food.
Tin turned to pull out his wallet from his pant's back pocket but he stopped and looked back at Can who is watching him with those innocent eyes.

"Umm." Tin started. How can he explain that his wallet is inside his bag, the bag that is inside his car..the car that was driven by his security to who knows which parking area of the school?


"Ai'Can, ah you see my wallet...I left my wallet inside my car. On Tin's head, the embarrassment is real.

Can scratch his cheek. "Oh..., that's - that's fine, I'll pay first... But you have to pay me back okay?." Can stared on the Prince's eyes waiting for an answer.

Tin's mouth raised on the side for a small smile before nodding.
Can's face light up as his worries on how to tell his sister that his food money is no more is gone? His enthusiasm came back for a new found friend.

The food that Can asked to be put on a takeout box was prepared fast. The people who worked on the school's canteen recognized their prince right away. Hated the idea of the royal son waiting, they prepared the food fast.

Can let Tin hold on one bag while he is holding the other, he once again pulled Tin to where he usually eat when all his friends are unavailable.

Tin found himself on a picnic table complete with under a healthy tree that blocking the scorching sun. The quiet place is located behind the science lab. No one can be seen around the area for the place is hidden.

Can arrange the food in front of them as he drools over the smell.

"Don't just stand there, sit down and eat." Can passed a pair of plastic spoon and fork to Prince Tin who are awkwardly sat down in front of Can.

The truth is, if he eats at the canteen, his food was pre-ordered. Checked for any unusual ingredients or something that will make the Prince's stomach upset.

But now all the food in front of them have to be shared.

"You don't like this dishes?." Can stopped stuffing himself when he notices that Tin is not moving to eat.

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