Chapter 6

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Seven boys inside a private room of a European style restaurant.

The truth is, Type and Ae protested..they wanted to eat on that student friendly restaurant near their school where there's a videoke and affordable foods. Maybe its the pride of the boys that is talking and embarrassment on their prince but Tin insisted saying he owe it to Can.

The food monster's eyes light up in excitement as he agreed too enthusiastically they may add. Free and food is the magic words, what else?
Techno stealthily knock his son's head but everyone found out when the over acting monkey yelled in protest saying P'Techno is a sadist.

Pete is observing Tin ever since the incident inside the locker room. Pete didn't know how Tin and Can hanged out without him knowing.

Techno Dragged Can away before he run his big mouth even more.

Tin is itching to pull Can back who really is selling his pitiful looked on the prince but he choose not to react and just smile as he watched the scene from the side.

Techno have his motorbike so he and Type will be going to the place together. Ae will riding on Pete's car. Good who is always following Can stayed beside his best friend silently.

"Ai'Can! Ai'Good, you guys should ride with me too on Pete's car." Ae wearily side glanced to the Prince's way.

Pete is trying to catch Tin's line of sight but the prince is deliberately avoiding his cousin's questioning looks.

"Ai'Good can ride on my car, Ai'Can if its can ride in Tin's car?." Pete asked but his eyes is on Tin who's is focused on Can. Pete's forehead creased in confusion. The prince never looked at anyone like that, the others don't matter. Pete maybe can still be considered as royal but Tin is the future king of the country and he hate to see his cousin's life thrown into chaos if his guts is right.

Can's ignorance can be said to be boundless. The teen boy is giddy as he bounced inside the Rolls Royce. Can curiously glance ahead in the front seat where the same guys that reprimanded him quietly sitting  as one of them is driving. But before Can, can open his mouth to ask Tin already beat him to it. "They are my body guards." Tin explained.


"They are not my parents."


Tin crossed his legs and he faked a cough to hide the amused smile that keep on appearing every time the other teen is around.

"Are you mad?." Tin asked while his eyes is looking straight.

"Mad?." Can repeated with puzzled expression.

"I didn't show up to pay you back." Tin glanced at Can who is staring at him intently.

Can blinked then looked away when he realized he was staring. "I'm not mad, its people's nature to break promises." Can shrugged.

Tin flinched to that. Maybe he was expecting Can to say something funny or something stupid.
"That hurts, I promised I won't do it again."

Tin glanced at Can when the other boy didn't reply. 
Can is wearing a serious expression for once since they met. Can turned to Tin, eyes are both with no nonsense glint. "Can I eat anything I like, as long as I can?." Tin blinked once, twice then his Brain process what I heard at last.

The prince who never shown any flaws on his attitude, the one who had absolute breeding that been taught since he was a child, burst into a loud and booming laughter surprising the royal guards as they heard the Prince laugh out loud for the first time.

Tin laugh even more when he saw Can's pout and sharp glares. He slapped his knees as he continued laughing in hysterics.

Can who is losing his patience is on the verge of choking the laughing Tin. But instead Can's hand shot in front of Tin when he covered the other Teen's mouth. 

The Prince's eyes that are missing in amusement widened as he stared on Can's narrowed ones.

The time paused as the two are having a stared down. Can's body is leaning on Tin leaving no space between them.

Tin's heartbeat escalated slowly till his heart start slamming against his ribcage as the beating of that organ almost deafening him. Tin is mesmerized by those two doe eyes, the innocent orbs is making him lost his senses. His brain stopped functioning. But Can moved back before Tin can comprehend what is happening to him.

"I only asked if I can eat anything, what is so funny about that?." Can scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Tin is trying to recover from the sudden heart attacked. He secretly massage his chest willing his heartbeat to slow down. His eyes trailed in front of the car where his security is at but the two stoic man is focus on the road. Even though they found what happened peculiar its not their place to asked questions.

Tin blows out a breath leaning back on the comfortable seat of the car.
"Yes you can eat anything as long as you like." Tin said when he think his control over his body is back.

Can's face light up in excitement as he grabbed Tin's arm with both hands. The heartbeat that just back to normal started to run a mile per hour all over again. The young prince bit inside his cheek to divert his senses.

"Are you sure?" Can asked, oblivious on the war that is going on inside Tin.

"Why are you so concern on food?." Tin asked. He sighed quietly in relief when Can let his arm go and face the front.

"Because I'm hungry." Can grinned.

"That's it?." Tin raise a brow to that simple answer.

"Yep, food will never let you down trust me." Can nodded his head As if what he said is the answer to the world problem.

Tin chuckle helplessly at the other boy's simple answer. Why he is not like that? Ah because he was born on a family that is not allowed to be as simple minded as Can.

Is he jealous of Can? But he never wish to have different family than his parents. But why his heart is hoping for something simple now? Is it because he wanted his simple mind?

Tin looked out the car's tinted glass window. Watching the people in the street do their thing. Some is walking fast, maybe on their way home. Some are walking slowly like they are strolling around.

That's the thing that he can't have. Simple life, simple happiness.

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