Chapter 10

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"Ai'Can." Ae called.
After the game they eat out as usual with Ae's Pete and his cousin who coincidentally the Prince but the dumbass Can who on what kind of sorcery it is don't know that.

As they regularly see and experience the Prince's presence
They almost becoming a bit comfortable.


Tin and Can don't avoid each other's gaze anymore but they don't talk much also. Can who can talk until next year never start a conversation with Tin.
The tension is edible between the two and the others aside from Pete are itching to ask what the heck is going on.

But of course nobody dares too.

That doesn't meant they can't ask Can once they are out of the Prince's grasp.

"What?." Can ask while sipping on his slurpee.(7/11 anyone? 😄 )

"Did something happened between you and the p- and Tin?." Ae asked seriously.

"What is it that suppose to happen between us? " Can has this I don't know what you are talking about going on. Which maybe true for he is usually clueless most of the time.

"I don't know you tell me." Ae dig more.

"Nothing, maybe he is embarrassed when he didn't pay me right away on his food that I paid." Can shrugged on nonchalant manner.

Ae trip on his own feet upon hearing what can said.

"P-paid?!, what? Again again, you paid his food for him?." If its possible Ae's eyes is as big as a saucer at the moment.

"Yeah, he forgot his wallet."

"When did this happened?."

"Two weeks ago I think."

"Can, you don't know who Tin is?." Ae wanted to tell Can who Tin is but he is not sure if the prince is deliberately hiding his identify from his friend.

"No, I don't think I've seen him before." Can is not really interested on the topic. He is not keen to have Tin as the subject of his friends conversation when he is around.

Ae wanted to pick up a rock and throw it to Can's head maybe his brain will have a reset once he does that. How can anyone do not know someone who's always in the public eye? On TV, papers, billboards unless he lives on a Mountain where there's no access to civilization.
Ae sighed as he watched his friend focus on his drink than on what he is saying. Can soon will find himself in trouble if him being clueless continues.

"Can, you have to be cautious when you are around Pete's cousin."

Can pause on sipping from his plastic cup, glancing at Ae.. eyes became serious for that two seconds before it's back to Can's usual non caring gaze. Ae thought he only imagining things because Can never cared about matters that are not related to things he love.

Food, football and his friends.

Can don't know who is Tin because he never tried remembering faces he saw on TV (n/a Damn, I just realized this is me😄) he is not into singers, actresses or anyone flashy.

What's the use on admiring them when they don't even know you and they will never ever know you?

Oh you are thinking...

A side of Can's brain reminded him.

"Ae!." Can grabbed startled Ae's elbow shaking it furiously.

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