Chapter 50

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Can's eyes juggle from the two people that suddenly appeared on their gate with his mouth hanging open.  He even bit his tongue to wake himself up but he only hurt himself by doing so.

"Hi, Daddy." Canary's small voice greeted Can with so much enthusiasm just like before when the little prince sees him every time.

"Hello, Cana." Can lean down and rub the little boy's head but his eyes are glued to the smiling Pete.

"Can we come in, please? I don't think it's a good idea for us to be staying out in the open." Pete said in a joking voice.

"Who told you to come here?." Can say while rolling his eyes but still opened the gate wider.

"Well, we were sent by someone who can't be named so here we are the poor messengers, right Cana?." Pete said looking down his nephew winking at the little boy.

"Right!." Canary nodded fast with a thumbs up.

What's this conspiracy theory that this two talking about?

"Daddy is this your house?." Cana holds on Can's right-hand while gazing on his house.

"Yes, it is." Can smile at the wide-eyed Prince who is curiously looking around.

Pete is silently observing Can as the step inside the house. The dark bags under his eyes are too visible to ignore.

"Had a rough night?."


"That, the bags under your eyes." Pete pointed.

"Ah, maybe I'm still adjusting with the time difference." Can try to laugh it off as he scratches the back of his head.

"I saw someone with the same situation, he is irritable the whole day and I actually felt sorry for the poor people who manage to cross his path today," Pete said as if telling a story about someone unimportant but he is looking for a reaction from Can.

Did something happen that he doesn't know? Tin is not talking and Can seems like unwilling to say something.

Can didn't say anything but instead, he chooses to talk to the little Prince.

He didn't have a decent sleep and until he finally given up forcing himself to sleep and he can't help but hate himself for being weak, for his sudden lapse.

"What is the real reason of you guys coming here?."

"We are inviting you for dinner," Pete said casually.

"Why not just call or text me?." Can raise his eyebrow although he is sure he will just decline it if ever.

"We are not giving you a chance to decline that's why." Pete shrugged.

"I thought you are busy with your wedding and you have time to actually go out and ask me out?."

"Wedding preparations are doing just fine but I think I'm missing something about the events going on involving my cousin and his son that I decided to investigate for a bit." Pete winked but Can only give him an eye roll.

"In short, you are nosing around."

"It's not nosing around... It's curiosity, they are two different things... Like why my nephew calls you Daddy, why the composed King suddenly losing his own footing and acting like the world is against him... Tell me Can..." Pete's penetrating eyes probe on Can's uneasy orbs. "Can you tell me what's going on?."

Silence envelops the two as Can is looking for the right words to say but before he can open his mouth, Canary who they didn't notice left the room come out the kitchen holding plate of cookies followed by Can's mother.

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