Chapter 31

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(One of the Prince will have a big part for our couple's future.. Can you guess who is it among them?)

There's a party in the palace. No its not the same as those from fairy tales where the Prince's is looking for his fair princess. Though the palace fit the fantasy very well with all the dazzles, shines and who's who of the night. But instead it is to introduce the Prince for another year of his life.

The Prince is currently getting ready with people running around to help him on everything. To looked perfect for everyone to gawk about.
Tin is like a statue as he felt his scalp getting numb with all the pulling that is going on with his hair. His face is getting thicker on products they applying on it. Are they trying to make him like Prince charming? But he is more than charming already!

"Is he ready yet?." Queen Liwana with her ball gown that made her even more beautiful and regal asked. She check her son and nodded her head in appreciation.

"Mother, before you forgot I am a Prince not a Princess, what's is up with all this? I'm I getting married or what? I've been sitting hear for four hours and my butt is numb." Tin complained to his mother.

"Language! just bear with it..this is your night so its only right for you be the star." The Queen poke her son's cheek before leaving him alone.

"You look beautiful tonight by the way." Tin followed making his mother's smile widen proudly.

"Thank you."

Tin agonizingly bear the routine they are making all around him thinking how can girls bear all this every single day.

"Tin!." The prince tried looking to the side to glance at Pete who barge in the room but because his head have someone working on it he can only use his eyes.

Oh wow! You are not done yet with the beautification Princess? Don't worry your beauty will reach the kingdom for your Prince to find you."

"Are you here to annoy me? My neck is too stiff and I'm afraid I won't be able to to look around without my body moving with my head." Tin groaned.

"Stop being such a crybaby, just suck it up." Pete laughed while sitting down in front of Tin.

"You are done your highness." The one in charge for the Prince's grooming told Tin.

"Thank God!." Tin said happily as he slowly stretch his stiff limbs. The satisfying cracks made him feel better.

"Are you ready yet?." Pete asked his cousin.

"Ready as I can be, by the way where are they?." Tin asked. The twinkle in his eyes is enough give away for Pete to roll his eyes.

"Stop being too obvious, are you trying to get caught?." Pete said seriously. "Ae said they are on their way but Can didn't come." Pete smirked.

"What did you say!? Why? I should have gone to pick him up instead..maybe he is scare? What should I do?." Prince Tin stood up and started walking in circles. By now everyone that help grooming the Prince already left the two alone.

Look at your face getting work up by just a mere became stupid since you've fallen in love..hopeless Prince...

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