A Cuddly Adventure ][Female Cuddles][

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It was an early morning and Cuddles was snoring gently in her feather bed. Her friend Giggles told her that feather beds were unhealthy for her back but Cuddles didn't mind. Her back has never hurt or been sore from her mattress before and she quite enjoyed its lumpiness, it reminded her of the waves of the nearby lake. She was suddenly startled awake, which is also bad for the health, by her alarm clock. It rang loudly as she reached over to stop it but instead lost her balance and half fell off her bed with a short yell. She growled angrily at herself and smacked the still ringing alarm clock, it took a second before finally ceasing its loud buzzing.
She sighed as she stood up and rubbed her eyes with a yawn, she stretched and scratched her back gently. With another quick yawn she openened the bottom drawer on her dresser and grabbed one of the many pairs of bright pink bunny slippers. She slipped them on and closed the drawer, she was awake- finally -and ready for the day.
She skipped out of her room, slid down her stairs railing, she landed perfectly and smiled. She giggled slightly and skipped to the kitchen for breakfast, stopping at the doorway to reach in and turn on the lights. She bopped the lightswitch and smiled as the kitchen lights came on immediently, she walked in and stretched one more time, this time, with a loud moan.
She shook it off and opened the fridge door, she checked inside for milk and shuffled some of the other foods to see in the back. She grabbed the milk from the back of the fridge and set it on the table, gently closing the fridge door with her foot as she walked away from it. After she set the milk on the table she skipped over to the counter, she hopped onto it and opened one of the higher cupboards. She grabbed a glass bowl that had a pink and purple flower design it. She hopped down, carefully, making sure to hold the bowl tighter then normal to make sure it wouldn't break. She landed, not perfectly but good enough, no broken glass. She smiled at her victory as she placed the box of Mart-Shop brand "Lucky Rainbows" on the table, also setting the bowl down.
She opened the box carefully and poured what she thought was good into the bowl, then opened the milk- dropping the lid -and pouring just enough for the cereal. She grabbed for where the cap to the milk would have been but it wasn't there. She quickly checked the rest of the table, then the floor. She spotted the bright red cap and grabbed it, she blew on it and wiped it on her soft yellow fur before screwing it back on the jug. She picked up the milk in one arm and the box cereal in the other and walked back over to her fridge. She yawned and put the milk back, then closed the fridge and placed the box on the counter next to it. She smiled and opened her tupperware drawer, pulling out a spoon she bopped it closed again and walked back to the table. She sat down and pushed the spoon into her cold rainbow's.
After breakfast she hopped out of her chair and grabbed her dishes, she walked over to the dishwasher and placed them inside. She closed its door and turned it onto clean, she smiled and stretched. She then had an idea, she wondered if Toothy wanted to hang out on this cold autumn day. She checked her calendar, October 31st, she had forgotten about Halloween and gasped at herself. She quickly rushed over to the phone and called up Toothy. She hurriedly explained she didn't have a costume for Halloween and she needed help getting one, Toothy agreed to help her go shopping. Cuddles sighed with relief and smiled happily, they would meet up at the park in twenty minutes. Cuddles tried to relax after she hung up but couldn't, she was anxious about the meetup. After about five minutes she ran outside, locked her door, and ran to the park. The park was nearby and quite big. It had a fountain in the middle of it that always had water flowing out one of the fancy spouts. She rushed through the thick, green, grass to the fountain and sat down on the side. Toothy would be there in about ten minutes, she took a deep breath and rubbed her arms. It was kinda cold so she ruffled her fur and waited. After about six minutes she heard footsteps, she turned towards them and saw the familiar purple fur, she smiled wide and waved with her arms stretched. Toothy waved back and jogged up to the fountain where Cuddles was sitting. The fountain was made of a smooth gravel that felt smooth with only a few bumps in it. Its color was a dark gray with white in places.
Cuddles patted the spot next to her and smiled at Toothy, she was signaling for Toothy to come sit by her and that's exactly what Toothy did. They sat there, looking at the yellow and orange leaves that were falling from the trees; some leaves wouldn't fall from the trees and others gave up quickly, a few leaves were still a bright green. Toothy spoke first, breaking the silence, he asked Cuddles how her day had been. Cuddles replied with a simple reply that everyone has replied to that question before. As they were talking, a gently gust blew up. It was cold and a few orange leaves scattered across the dark green grass. It was a perfect, cold, temperature and a perfect fall day. About an hour after the conversation had struck up, Toothy remembered he had to go help out with cleaning the lake with Flippy. Aperently, Flippy had convinced him that it would help him with his meditation since everything was perfect about this Halloween day. Cuddles believed Toothy and waved goodbye as she listened to the soft crunching of leaves under the purple beavers' feet as he jogged away.
Cuddles decided to stay at the fountain for a little longer, and she thought flippy was right, it was truly a perfect Halloween day. She sat there in pure content as she watched and listened to her surroundings, it was quiet with the faint sound of wind passing her long, yellow ears, and the occasional crunching of blowing leaves. It was so nice, but her content was inturupted by a really happy voice behind her. She turned and saw her friend, Giggles, laughing to herself about a new bow she got. She seemed in a very happy mood and Cuddles decided to go see what was up. She skipped over to the giggly pup and said hello. Giggles allowed Cuddles to join her conversation and the two girls walked around the park while they talked with eachother. The crunching of leaves was relaxing as they kept their slower than normal pace. After almost an hour of walking and talking, they arrived in the small village that they all lived in or near. Giggles spotted the lamp store where Petunia worked and waved goodbye, Cuddles didn't mind because she spotted Flaky sipping some tea at an outdoor table outside the "Little Café". Cuddles looked both ways a few times before rushing across the street and saying hello to Flaky. Flaky, in surprise, tossed her iced tea up and it spilled everywhere. Cuddles apologized and helped her clean up the newly made mess. After the mess of raspberry tea was made, Cuddles offered to buy ice cream for them to say sorry. Flaky accepted quietly and they blither walked to the ice cream parlor. They walked in the small, chilled, shop; Flaky automatically spotted the ice cream and asked Cuddles if she could get a bowl of Pecan Caramel. Cuddles smiled and nodded at her request and got herself a scoop of double fuge in a bowl.
Nutty giggled stupidly, as always, and filled their orders. Cuddles handed him the money trequiered and they went outside to sit at a nearby table. They sat down with their ice cream and spoons in hand and began munching on their delicious flavors. Flaky thanked Cuddles through bites and Cuddles told her it was no problem and that it was her fault the tea got spilled in the first place. Flaky insisted it was her fault for being so scared due to it being Halloween. Cuddles then remembered that she didn't have a Halloween costume and quickly finished her ice cream. She politely excused herself from Flaky and threw the bowl and spoon away, she waved goodbye and rushed to the local store.
The fresh scent of cinnamon hit her nose as she stepped inside the large building. She looked through each Halloween isle and found no costumes that were appealing to her. She frowned and got worried that she wouldn't have a costume for Halloween. She then had an idea, she grabbed a few bags of candies and paid at the front. She rushed home with the three bags of candy and unlocked her door. She set the bags on the table after she bopped the door closed. She rushed to the closet and grabbed an old, yellow, dress that was to big for her. She rushed back downstairs and tossed it on the table by the candies, she then grabbed a pair of scissors from her utility drawer. She placed that on the table too and went back up to her room to find more old clothes for her costume. She was going to make the creepiest costume on her block, and that is exactly what she did. After a few hours of work she made a scary yellow rabbit, like her, except it was bloody and had huge claws. She didn't use the fake blood on her fur because it would stain and nit wash out for a while. The rabbit costume also made her taller since it used wooden leg silts and allowed her to balance on two legs. She smiled as she put the fake teeth in, she checked the mirror and smiled at herself, she looked good and scary.
She walked out of the bathroom and back to the kitchen where she had carved one of her uncarved jack'o'lanterns so it acted like a bucket to hold things in. She had emptied it of all the 'guts' and filled it with fake blood, also placing a few fake eyeballs inside of it. She was ready to go out with her friends, she thought as she filled the plastic bowl with the candies. There were so many candies that they all didn't fit, she had an idea and set it on her porch. Her porch had a few chairs on it with a few fake cobwebs with a couple fake spiders here and there. It also had red and orange lights that alternated every other second. She set the plastic bowl on one of the chairs and went back inside to grab the other two bags of candy. She came back outside and poured the candy into the overflowing bowl, making sure they spilled on the floor. When she was done their was a few good sized piles of candy by the chair that had the bowl. She recycled the, empty, plastic bags of candy and dimmed her porch lights.
The sun began to set and the street lights glowed a dim yellow, the street was decorated high and low. She smiled at the amazing decorations her neighbors and she had set up around their streets.
She went back inside to make a cardboard sign, she grabbed a small 1x1 cardboard slab and a black sharpie. On it, she wrote 'Take 4'. She giggled at herself, why have such a specific number when it could just say 'few'. She shrugged it off, she guessed something had said "Make it four".
She went back outside and set the cardboard sign up, she smiled at her work. She was finally ready for Halloween, she had the candy set up and she had her creepy costume decked out.
She heard the familiar voice of Toothy, her purple friend, calling out to her. She looked over at him and the other girls he was with, Petunia, Giggles, and Flaky.
Cuddles smiled happily and waved at them as they approached her, their costumes were so cool. Toothy was a ghost, Giggles was dressed as a bumble bee, Flaky was rocking a witch costume, and Petunia had the "Queen Of Spring" costume that she had saw at the supermarket. They all complimented eachother and they were ready for trick or treating, their pillow cases at the ready.
Cuddles facepalmed, she had cut up her pillowcases to make her costume, she sighed sadly and Flaky kindly offered her the extra pillow case she had brought; she said Cuddles could keep it if she needed. Cuddles accepted it and hugged Flaky carefully with bliss flooding her body.

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