The Bakery ][OC x Cannon, Dawn x Nutty][

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It was the ungodly hours of the morning when Dawn was woken up by Nutty banging on her window. He was covered from head to toe in caramel and had random pieces of candy strewn about himself. She rubbed her eyes and walked over to the window to let him in with a yawn, he darted in and ran straight to the shower. Dawn sat on the bed, this happened pretty constantly and she was used to it by now. She yawned again and stretched backwards onto the bed, the blankets comforting her back into a dreamless sleep.
A few hours later she woke with a start and her eyes scanned the room as she couldn't help herself from saying, "sorry Nutty, I drifted off!" but there was no Nutty. Maybe he got bored and left but she didn't mind. She went downstairs and turned into the kitchen; jumping as she spotted Nutty eating some pie she was saving for herself.
She sighed loudly, "hey, Nutty, sorry about that I must have fallen asleep again."
He giggled as his tail flicked around, "don't worry about it, Dawn!" his voice bouncy and sugarhigh. "I just had an amazing idea for you!"
"For me?"
"Did I stutter," he asked as he giggled again. "Only joking!"
Dawn sat down, "alright, what's this idea you had?"
Nutty set down his fork and chuckled quietly, "you could start your own bakery!"
She blinked a few times in disbelief, "trust me, Im not that good of a baker."
"We don't talk about ourselves that way under my roof, young lady," he scolded. "We only love and respect-"
He was suddenly distracted by a delightful smell and started sniffing around, he sniffed quite long fir a moment before bouncing off the walls.
Dawn rested her elbow on the counter and her head in her hand, "maybe a bakery would be a good idea.."
Her mind wandered for who knows how long before a loud crash pulled her from her thoughts like a fisherman to a cod. Her ears perked in the direction of the noise and soon her head followed, Nutty had broken a vase and was sitting by his mistake.
She quickly acted and rushed over to him, helping him up and away from the glass, tears streaming down his face.
She helped him onto the couch and stared at him intently, "are you hurt?"
"No, but I was afraid you would be mad," he sobbed as he covered his eyes.
Dawn sat down next to him and opened her arms, he gladly accepted them and fake cried into her shoulder. She didn't know he was faking it so she held him tightly as they shifted into a position for quality cuddling.
She pulled him closer and he seemed to shrink into her lap as she held him tightly. His soft, green, tail snaked around her back and he held her: then he did something unexpected, he rolled them over so she was in his lap. Dawn giggled and pressed her forehead against his.
"I think a bakery would be an amazing idea, we could run it together. Just you and me."
"That would be nice," he replied in his childish tone. "I would love to run it with you."
Dawn chuckled as they stared lovingly into eachothers eyes, "just promise you want eat everything, ok?"
He giggled quietly, "I can't make promises I know I can't keep." he teased her.
"Then I won't make the promise of starting the bakery," she teased him back.
"Fine, I won't eat the sweets," he sighed in defeat and lowered his head slightly.
She lifted his chin with a gentle hoof and smiled as their eyes linked once more, a smile protruding her lips.
She leaned in and pressed her lips against his and he grabbed her head as she kissed back. She felt pure bliss and never wanted the moment to end.

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