Third Wheel (Cuddles x Toothy?)

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"Do I HAVE to?" Spike whined, her parents nodded. 

"We love you but we need you to go with Cuddles and Toothy because they're going to babysit you today, it'll be fun, we promise!" Her mother rang.

Spike sighed, long and hard in order to try and get her point across that she really didn't want babysitters. Her mother closed the door and left with her father, Spike sat on the couch and listened to the car pull out of the garage, down the driveway, and down the street. She blew a frustrated breath and rubbed her temple, waiting for her inevitable pain. Soon enough (only about five minutes), her babysitters arrived and she opened the door. In stepped both Cuddles and Toothy, as promised by her parents. 

"What do you want, " she asked in a snotty voice.

"We are going to dinner, " Cuddles said suddenly.

"Already? It's barely even six o'clock!"

"Yes, already, now grab your coat and put on your shoes, we're going, " Toothy butted in. Both her babysitters didn't mean to be rude but they were, maybe they didn't want to babysit either? She saw it was non-negotiable and grumbled away to her room, quickly throwing on her socks and shoes and tossing her coat over her shoulders. 


"I love you more~" Toothy giggled as he reached across the table and booped Cuddles' nose. Cuddles replied with the same thing and the same action. 

Spike sighed angrily, "Why didn't you just leave me at home if you're not going to pay attention to me?"

Neither listened or spoke to her as if she wasn't there. She rested her elbow on the fancy table and her head in her hand, quietly and impatiently waiting for the food to arrive. She had ordered chicken tenders with mac & cheese while the other two got something adult and unfun. She wanted to scream, to run around and be a kid but the restaurant they were at had so much 'atmosphere' she thought she was choking on it. 

She smelled it before she saw it, her food. She smiled hungrily and sat up, waiting with a smile. She graciously thanked the waiter before digging in. Her 'babysitters' got their food and were feeding each other like fools, 'yucky! Grownups are gross! I don't want to grow up cause that looks boring!!' she thought to herself as she devoured a piece of chicken. Even though the night was all going wrong, the food was good enough to take her mind off everything else. 

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