Before your time. (Dazzle x Splendont)

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Warning, there is nothing sexual in this story, you just have a dirty mind.

"You should try winning more," Dazzle taunted at her husband. "It might be cool seeing what you can do besides play!" 
Splendont hovered in his spot for a moment with an annoyed look, he didn't know what to say so he squinted at her, flipped her off, and flew away; "I'll see you at home," he yelled. 
"Why do I have to prevent my husband from doing stupid stuff, why can't he just control himself?" She asked as she floated to the ground, "our children cant know about his stupidity."
She arrived at home late that day, a few crooks tried to blow up a bank and she had made plans with Halo, her cousin, to hang out that day; she didn't mind but walking into her house at nine was horrible. She always had everything done during the light hours but no rest for the heroes; Splendont quietly greeted her in the kitchen, "Bubbles and Mae are asleep, I don't want to wake them." 
She nodded and kissed his cheek, "well I'm glad you're thinking of someone other than yourself."
He blushed, "no I'm not!"
"Yes you are, you just said-" She was cut off by loud crying coming from the kids' room, then a second child crying; "this is your fault." 
They both rushed to the back rooms and picked up their children, each one shushing and bouncing said child; little babies were not fun to have. Bubbles was about two and Mae was only seven, so they both had a tendency to cry and be afraid of things they didn't understand. After a while, the kids fell back asleep and Dazzle grabbed Splendont by the ear and quietly dragged him out to the downstairs living room; "don't yell, sit, I need this," Dazzle turned on the television and took off her clothes leaving her in her underwear and she lay across Splendont on her stomach. She had a rough day and came home late, he let it happen as she hid her face in her arms. 
He ran his paws over her exposed back and began to give her a massage, he knew her job was harder than his and he understood the need for a nice back massage at times; she smiled gently, "thank you for understanding, babe."
He nodded, "I will always understand."
"Tomorrow," she said, her arms muffling her voice. "Do you think we can just take a walk at the park? Just you and me, we could hire a sitter for them?"
He smiled, "I would love that." 
Another twenty minutes went by, Dazzle was asleep across Splendont's lap and he was on autopilot; the T.V. went on about a different infomercial and he didn't care enough to change it. There was soft snoring and he noticed Dazzle had fallen asleep, he smiles lovingly and picked her up; she wasn't that heavy with his super strength and he brought her to their room upstairs, being sure not to hurt her on the way up. He placed her on their bed and tucked her in before closing the door and getting in with her, he wished every day could be like this. 
The next morning Splendont awoke to the voice of his wife talking with someone, she was talking to a babysitter for their kids and she had a very happy look; he knew she had gotten one to stay from twelve to six. They would pay her ten dollars an hour if she was good to their kids; that was a good deal so Splendont got up and dressed for the day. Dazzle hung up and placed her phone in her pocket, she wore a pink belly tank-top with matching shorts that hung to just above her knees; she also wore a smile, which Splendont thought was the prettiest thing she could wear. 
They watched their youngest crawl on a blanket on the floor and their oldest play with him, they talked quietly and answered any loud questions the kids had. They heard a knock on the door and Dazzle got up to get it, "hello?" There was a girl there, no older then sixteen, she was smiling.
"Hello! I'm Cinnamon and I'll be your guys' babysitter," the Bumble Bear smiled wider. 
"Come on In, I'll introduce you." Dazzle opened the door wider and let her in, she looked around the house and followed Dazzle into the living room. "Our youngest is Bubbles, I hope you know what to do with baby's'," to this the sitter nodded. "Good, and that is our oldest, Mae, she's trouble but will sit and watch cartoons for hours if she has pizza. I left the money on the table for pizza or anything else you want to order, the diapers are in their room upstairs, and if you're going to go through our stuff make sure it isn't noticeable. Oh, and that's my husband but he'll  be coming with me; honestly, I think he should stay here for you to watch because he's a child at heart." 
Cinnamon nodded and giggled slightly, "ok, I got it. Anything else?"
"Nope, that's it," she said with a smile.
"Alright, thanks."
"Yup," Dazzle motioned for her husband and he stood and followed her. 
"We'll be back around six," he called as they closed the door behind them. 
The park wasn't far so they decided to walk there, it was a nice, summer, day with no high winds or anything too cold; Splendont wore beige cargo pants and a white shirt to match. the walk was short and felt nice; they made it to the park at a good time and Dazzle giggles, she wanted to have a little fun. She let go of his hand, "be you can't catch me!" she shouted as she flew into the air; Splendont had to double take before lifting off.
"Come on, you got a head-start," he yelled up at her with a  wide smile on his face. He bolted directly at her to which she floated down and out of his way. They chased each other through the park and laughed as they did, they enjoyed every moment and Dazzle wished the moment could last forever. 
Dazzle eventually landed, "I give up! I give up!" She called at her husband who was speeding at her like a train. He stopped right in front of her face and smiled before kissing her, they kissed there for a while before he pulled away and landed. 
"Do you want to go get dinner," he asked with a smile.
Dazzle copied his smile and nodded, "I would love to." 
They walked hand in hand out of the park and started downtown. Their conversations were meaningless but they knew what they talked about would be fresh in their minds for well over a month; they entered the downtown area with glee and pure joy. The conversation came up about where they should eat, Dazzle wanted sushi and Splendont wanted literally anything else; so they got sushi and then down to a different restaurant to eat so they could both have what they wanted. 
They ate and talked and when they were done eating they kept talking, they walked home with the setting sun and the rosy colors filled the quiet streets. There was a gentle gold and a soft rose color that soothed their emotions and made their love bloom like a lavender in the early spring: they walked hand in hand all the way home, with loving looks in their eyes. They paid Cinnamon and put the kids to bed so they could go to bed; for the sleep they got that night was the best sleep they had had since Mae was born. 

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