Mime x The Mole (Suicide Senario)

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"I can't do this anymore, " The Mole sobbed, Mine was holding his hand close to his chest and held on to it like it would be the last thing he ever felt. "I'm sorry, Mime. I have to go, " there was a faint click; like the cocking of a pistol. "I'm sorry."
He grabbed his cane and Mime saw the door slam behind wet and blurry eyes, he stood quickly and ran to the door. He sobbed as he opened it and grabbed his boyfriend in an embrace; it almost knocked him over. Mime cried into The Mole's chest and held right to his shirt.
The Mole sighed and removed his boyfriend's hand from his sweater. He held his hand in his own and started walking: Mime followed him to the end of town, and to the Grimm Brush. The Grimm Brush was a field that had some kind of curse cast upon it, anyone who died there stayed dead.
The Mole stepped into it and Mime felt his slip out of his own, tears streamed down his red and wet cheeks. There was another click, the safety was off, and then the final sound.
Mime found his voice temporarily as he watched the blood splatter over the greyed grass.
"I love you, " he quietly croaked. Those were his last words and he knew it, he can't talk but he was working on finding his voice; trauma wouldn't catch up to him but instead he watched his only love die. For good.
He sobbed and fell to the ground, he wanted to scream, he wanted to yell, but he couldn't. He cried and cried, his heart ached and burned as his lungs worked in over time. He could hear a heart-wrenching scream from the depths of his mind but he knew he would never hear it. Just like his own lover would never hear anything ever again.
He heard someone behind him and he turned to look, even though he knew the blur in his eyes would prevent him from knowing who it was. Someone reached their hand out to him and helped him up, Mime grabbed the stranger in a massive hug and silently sobbed into the stranger's shoulder. He wanted to scream, the agony was too much for him.
Then he felt a searing pain in his chest, he took a step back and coughed up blood. Then more blood dripped from the corners of his never speaking mouth. There was black, sadness, regret, and pain. So much pain.
He fell back onto the ground and realized he fell into the Grimm Brush, he didn't want to die; not now, not for good. He tried to crawl out but he felt his breath leave him, then black. A searing black with a simple light not too far away.
He inhaled deeply and sat up, he lived? He turned around and looked about the room, he was at home. With the hope of being alive, he looked to the other side of his bed and tears resumed streaming down his sore eyes; Mole wasn't there.
Why did he live?
His phone rang and he picked it up and tapped the recover, the other person on the line explained what happened.
His heart tore from the pain of watching his husband's brains blow across the Grimm Brush, his heart literally broke in four because of how emotionally connected he was to The Mole. He fell back into the Grimm Brush but luckily, Cuddles was there to pull him from deaths grip and brought Mime back to his house.
Mime hung up and sobbed, why did he live when death so easily took his husband?

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