A Sweeter Day ][OC Sweets][

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Sweets, a bright pink cat who enjoys candies and lollipops, was enjoying the cool breeze on a shady autumn day. She had something planned for today with Petunia and Flaky, her two closest friends. Flaky was a small, shy, girl with bright red hair. Petunia was quiet but she wasn't shy. She talked a lot if she needed to while Flaky only talked when she was comfortable.
Sweets seemed very excited for this event she had planned and started backing a few bags. Clothes and accessories in one bag, a tent and the things needed to set up a tent in the other. Once she finished packing those two bags she grabbed them both, one in each hand, and went downstairs to her car. She packed them in the truck of her shiny, purple, pickup truck and sighed happily. She loved camping more then she loved candies, which is a lot considering candy is part of her main fashion.
She went outside to the back of her house and started getting armfuls of firewood, she packed a large amount of firewood in the trunk of her car too. She was happy with herself and went back into the house, from the garage, to get food and pack them in coolers for her trip.
It would take about five days so she packed four coolers of delicious camping food. After she packed them into her car as well, she heard her doorbell ding and her pink ears twitch towards the sound. She walked over with a pocket knife in her hands, she growled very quietly as she opened the door and flicked out the knife. There was a squeak and a red blur, then a small giggle.
"Sweets, put the knife away, you know us," Petunia giggled as she reached down to help a frightened Flaky. Flaky thanked her as Sweets pocketed the knife.
"Sorry 'bout that, Flaky. It's just a habit from some times ago."
"I-I know," Flaky said quietly. "I didn't mean t-to scare y-you l-l-like that!"
Sweets got confused at this but sighed, "You didn't scare me, I scared you."
Flaky nodded, "R-right, sorry."
"It's cool."
Petunia giggled, "Can we come in? It's a little cold and I forgot my jacket."
Sweets nodded, "Come on in, you two. Take a seat anywhere you like, and I can getcha a jacket if you want."
Petunia nodded and sat down on the couch with Flaky, "Thank you, that would be nice."
Sweets closed the door and bolted it closed, she locked two out of three of the locks and made sure the metal bolt was secure in place before heading upstairs to get the last of the camping stuff and a jacket for Petunia. She tossed the jacket at the blue skunk on her last trip to the garage and finally finished packing her stuff.
She came back out of the garage and walked into the living room to find Petunia trying to cheer up a crying Flaky.
"What happened to her," Sweets asked as she reached into one of the huge buns on her head and pulled out a wrapped caramel candy.
"She's afraid the blender is going to get her while we're camping," Petunia replied and they both went quiet long enough to hear the gasping breaths of a panicking Flaky.
Sweets didn't know what to do so she shrugged and handed Flaky the caramel. Flaky looked up at her with a shaky body and held up the caramel.
"I-I Can have t-this?" she asked through quiet, sobbing breaths.
"Why do you think I handed it to you," Sweets replied with a scuff. "Now where's your bags?"
Petunia searched her pockets for a moment before handing a single key on a keychain to Sweets.
"They're in the trunk."
Sweets nodded and went outside to Petunias car. She noticed a few red spikes stuck in the backseat, she sighed. She opened the trunk and grabbed the 3 heavy bags, the two light ones on one arm and the heavy one on the other. She squinted up at the open trunk door and set down the heavier bag to reach up and close it. She slammed it a little hard then grabbed the bag again.
After everything was packed and tied down in the trunk she went back upstairs and grabbed a few soft pillows. She put them in the back seat of her truck, along with a couple blankets she didn't care about.
She rushed back downstairs to see a napping Flaky, her head was resting on Petunias lap. Petunia wasn't moving and seemed a little frightened of doing so.
Sweets sighed and kneeled down by her, she gently rubbed her arm.
"You gotta wake up Flaky, we're about to leave. You can sleep in the car if you want."
A sleepy Flaky nodded and got up using Sweet's shoulder as a boost up. Sweets didn't know she was already sleeping, she expected her to cuddle with the pillows for comfort until she fell asleep on the drive.
Flaky stumbled to the garage with the help of Sweets and Petunia. Petunia helped her into the back seat and watched as Flaky carefully buckled her seatbelt, Sweets started the car and turned on the warm air. Flaky grabbed the puffiest pillow near her and lay down on the seat, moving the seatbelt strategically in order to lie down properly.
Sweets smiled and rolled her eyes at Flaky as she immediately fell asleep. Petunia got in the passenger seat and buckled herself in, "I'm ready to go," she whispered as she looked over at Sweets.
She nodded and pressed a button on her steering wheel, the garage door started opening. Once it was open she rolled into her driveway and pushed the button again. She waited until the garage door was closed fully and safely locked before she finally drove away.
After about a very quiet hour of listening to the car, they finally arrived at the campground. Sweets checked in and went inside the near-empty camping park.
She pulled up to the campground she was given and parked backward, easily sliding into the small space. Her car finally stopped and Flaky shot up in surprise with a few shocked gasps.
"Calm down, Flaky!" Petunia cried as she hid her face in her arms. "I thought your spikes were gonna shoot out at us."
Flaky whimpered but Sweets answered, "She woke up from the car, not from us. Apparently, that's enough to keep her spikes from flailin' at us."
Petunia shrugged, "I guess that works."
They all stepped out of the car and down to Earth. Sweets and Flaky got out on the same side of the car but since the truck was pretty high up, Sweets had to help Flaky out.
Once they were all finally on the ground they collectible took a deep breath of the fresh forest air. Flaky shook from the cool morning air and looked around while rubbing her arms. Sweets sighed and rolled her eyes.
You're gonna have to wait until we can get the tent up for us to unpack, and your bag is below almost everything," Sweets told Flaky and the shaky porcupine replied with a nod. Sweets simply guessed she was sensitive to the cold because it wasn't really that cold out. She jumped into the back of her truck and asked Petunia to help her move the tent to its proper place and set it up. Petunia agreed and took the bag from Sweets' hands.
"Where should I put this?"
"Just set it over there," Sweets pointed near the edge of the campground. Petunia nodded and rushed off to set it down. She came back to a huge pile of bags, and Sweets was carrying three larger ones.
"I got these ones, leave the other ones there for now," Sweets accidentally said in a bitchy voice.
Petunia nodded again and followed Sweets to help set up the tent.
Meanwhile, Flaky got curious and started looking around the campsite; not going too far in case of danger. She enjoyed the calm of the forest and the soft background noise of her two friends communicating on how to put up a tent.
She smiled in peace and slowly stepped deeper into the forest. She heard water rushing nearby, it drowned out the voices of her friends, then Flaky heard a new noise that alarmed her. She slipped and fell into the river, it wasn't that big.
"Eep!!" she cried loudly as she hit her arm on the bottom of the small river. "Oww!! h-h-help!!" she called as she realized she couldn't get out of the river.
Back at camp Flaky's cries were heard. They both stopped and looked at each other for a moment before looking around, trying to find Flaky. Petunia stopped and waved her arm, then started following the sound of Flaky's cries for help. Sweets followed close behind and they soon arrived at the small river.
"Flaky," they cried in unison.
"Are you ok? What happened??" Petunia cried out.
Flaky looked up at them with tears in her eyes, "I'm stuck." she sobbed quietly.
Petunia reached out a hand but Sweets wasn't having it, she jumped into the river and grabbed Flaky. She held her like a groom does a bride and climbed out of the muddy shore. There was a short drop, only about two feet, between the river and flat ground.
Flaky cried into Sweets' arm as she carried her back to camp. They got back with Petunia cooing her hurt friend and Sweets set Flaky down by her truck. She opened the backseat door and grabbed a towel from under the seat, "is your arm broken?" she asked with a darkened concern.
"No, just bruised really badly."
Sweets nodded and dropped the towel around Flaky's quills, she motioned for Flaky to climb into the back seat so she did. Sweets got in the divers' side and turned on the car, she turned on the heater and made sure it was parked and still before telling Flaky to try to get warm. With those words, she moved out of the way to let Petunia in. She sat in the front seat to make sure to turn the car off if anything goes wrong.
Sweets went back to the tent and started setting it up herself, she pulled it slightly closer to the truck so it would be easier to get to, but still out of the way of the firepit area.
After about thirty minutes she had finished setting up the dark red and beige tent, she checked inside and nodded. She started making trips between the tent and the truck to get the supplies to the tent. As soon as it was all in the tent she started blowing up the air mattresses. It was going to be a long day.
After everything had gotten set up she went to the truck to inform the girls they could check out the tent. They agreed with smiles and got out of the truck. Flaky saw she had a different air mattress then the other girls but didn't mind, it was probably quill proof. Petunia looked around for Sweets, to thank her, and saw she wasn't in the tent. She was at the fire pit, setting up the foldable chairs and stacking wood in the fireplace. Flaky lay down on her mattress and was surprised when it didn't pop immediately and Petunia noticed here's was scent absorbing. Petunia smiled at Flaky and left the tent to go talk with Sweets, who was now sitting in one of the chairs.
"Are we allowed to start the fire yet?"
"Not yet."
"Because it's gonna get hotter, then colder. And once it gets colder, then we can start it."
Petunia sat down in the purple chair, "so what' our plan for today?"
"Well," Sweets stretched her arms up. "There's a lake nearby if you want to go swim with me?"
Petunia had to think about it for a second, "sure, but what about Flaky?"
"There's also a small beach, she could bring a chair to sit and watch; and she'll be able to join us whenever."
"That sounds fun," Petunia said as Flaky stepped out and zipped the tent in the distance. "I bet Flaky will eventually join us in the water."
"Probably, what," Flaky asked as she arrived at the fire pit with a large sweater on. There were some holes in the back of it and a few of her quills shown through.
"There's a lake nearby and we want to go swimmin'."
"L-l-l-l-lake!? Those are s-super dangerous though!" "Nonsense, lakes are fun."
"That doesn't m-make them safe."
Sweets sighed, "you don't have to swim with us, ya'know?"
"O-ok but I would rather sit on the beach and watch you guys, to make sure you're safe..!"
Petunia nodded, "that works for us, please come watch us and make sure we're safe."
Sweets chuckled, "I was going anyways."
Flaky nodded, "I'll go get my suit, just in case."
Petunia followed her, "I need my suit too."
Sweet nodded and headed to her truck, she stayed fairly quiet.
Sweets came out of her truck and sat down by Flaky at the fire pit, all they had to do was wait on Petunia at this point. Flaky sat in silence as she stared blankly at her hands, which were fidgeting uncontrollably. She was in a cute full body suit, it had blue and white stripes on it. Sweets had a polka dot bikini on and had her yellow sundress and flower themes bag. Petunia walked out of the tent in a purple one piece and a blue sundress, "where's the sunscreen?" she called as she waved happily.
Sweets patted her bag and stood, "in here, ready to go?"
Petunia nodded, "yup, I'm ready. Flaky, got the snacks?"
Flaky hopped up and grabbed a bag that was on the metal table nearby, "yes, I got them."
Sweets' face didn't change from her natural resting bitch face, "good, let's go then."
They all followed with her and the other two girls talked as they walked behinds Sweets. They eventually arrived at the lake that resided near their simple campground, petunia immediately threw off her sundress and dove into the cool water, on the other hand, Sweets slowly took off her bright yellow sundress and folded it neatly; placing it gently by her bag and Petunia's sundress.
"Did you get sunscreen?" she called at the soaking Petunia and caught her attention.
"Shit," she called back as she swam towards shore. She climbed onto the sandy beach and shook off some of the water. "Hand me the lotion kind."
Sweets obeyed and handed her the SPF 100 lotion sunscreen. Flaky sat on the sand near the entrance to the water and started playing with the sand. She had put sunscreen on before they left to the lake.
Sweets and Petunia rubbed on the sunscreen, waited a while, then leaped into the lake. Sweets' face didn't change from a dead inside look but she was having fun as they soon got into a splash war; which Petunia won. Sweets surrendered, finally smiling and giggling and having fun. Petunia sat in the water and splooshed around a little.
Flaky blushed as she watched the two girls hang out in the water, she enjoyed being around them even though she wasn't in the water with them. She blushed harder knowing she would be sharing a tent with them so she would technically be sleeping with them. She breathed harder and her thoughts went deeper, what if she hurt one of them? Or both of them?
"Flaky, what' wrong?" Petunia called which caught the attention of Sweets and Flaky. Flaky's face was very heated and blushy.
"I-I-I'm fine!" she squeaked back. Sweets noticed something was up and motioned for Petunia to follow her as she waded through the water and climbed onto the beach.
She reached down and patted Flaky's shoulder, "It's ok, Flaky, you can tell us what's wrong." Petunia nodded in agreement and sat by Flaky on the sandy beach, her fur and tail were covered in sand.
Flaky blushed harder and started stuttering over her words, "W-well I-I-it's hard to ex-explain..!"
"We can wait for you," Sweets said with a loving smile, she knew she had to be gentle with Flaky. Petunia nodded in agreement and reassurance. Flaky just shook her head and swore to silence, the other girls shrugged and asked her if she wanted to head back to camp. She nodded and Petunia ran back into the lake to wash off her sandy tail.
After they got back to the campsite and changed, it was getting dark out and the temperature dropped a little. Sweets finally decided it was time to start the fire and she tossed some newspaper in and a lit match. The fire caught quickly and eventually the three girls were roasting marshmallows and talking around the campfire.
Sweets told stories of her W.A.R day, Petunia told them about the best scents and cleaners, and eventually it was Flaky's turn to tell them something.
She blushed and looked away for a moment before trying to find anywhere else to look, her check red with warmth.
"What happened at the beach earlier?" Petunia asked curiously, she truly wondered what was up and flaky finally sighed.
She closed her eyes then started, "w-well I'm nervous about sleeping in the same tent as you two because I really like you guys and I wouldn't want to accidentally hurt one of you from a nightmare or something dumb. I just really care about you both a lot and don't want either of you to get hurt like I do all the time, I'm so clumsy all I can do is cause p-pain to myself and the p-people around me, plus I have a crush on both of you and I-I just don't know how to deal with it! And on that note--"
But she was cut off by Sweets who hugged her tightly, she had dropped her stick by the fire and the marshmallow melted into the firepit. She felt as if she could cry even as tears were already streaming down Flaky's face. Petunia joined that hug and tears came to her eyes too, they all became emotional but Sweets was the only one who held back her tears.
Petunia admitted that she only agreed to camp because she wanted to spend time with her two crushes as well and Sweets felt something warm inside her.
She smiled deeply and finally let a few tears drop from her eyes, she finally felt cared for and loved too. Her two crushes admitted to crushing on her and she finally felt true happiness again.
Flaky and Petunia cried for a while longer before Flaky asked if they could go to the tent, the fire was low and mostly burned out and she was getting cold.
The other two girls agreed and they all headed to the tent, Sweets sat down on he bed and climbed in her sleeping bag. Petunia on her left and Flaky on her right. Sweets lay down and looked at the tent roof as the other girls climbed into their sleeping bags. Sweets wouldn't help it, she pulled the mattresses closer to her and pulled both girls closer to her. Flaky and Petunia wrapped their arms around Sweets and held hands while Sweets protectively held both of them in her arms. She smiled and waited until they both fell asleep and were fast asleep before falling asleep herself.

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