Time stops on Hallows Eve

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It was a cold night in autumn and Flippy was up early as always. He took his schedule very seriously; starting the day consisted of waking up at exactly 5:30, eating breakfast, brushing his teeth, then morning exercises. Flippy never skipped on morning exercises, he was content with himself for that. Once he had finished his morning routine he started getting ready for the haunted house he and a few of his friends were going to go to. He was excited for it because tomorrow was Halloween, that made today a spooky Hallows eve.
Flippy loved Hallows eve more then Halloween itself, this is because on Hallows eve you don't have to worry about trick or theaters stealing your candy. He loves trick or treaters, don't get me wrong, he just dislikes it when they steal more candy then nessasary.
He had a silly idea about dressing up and hiding in the haunted house to spook his friends but he brushed it off. He didn't want to accidentally spook Flaky to much and ruin everything for everyone, that would be a total dick move. He agreed with that thought and brushed it off once again, that's when he noticed the quiet. He peeked outside and saw nothing was moving, as if everything had been petrified and died. He was confused about this and decided to go outside and see what was wrong. He left the bathroom and walked to his front door, he took a deep breath before opening the door and poking his head outside. He saw nothing was moving and stepped out onto his concrete porch, he took another deep breath and bent down to blow on a leaf. After blowing as hard as he could on the leaf, it didn't move one centimeter.
This was odd, it would have normally blow away but instead it just stayed there. He tapped his chin and scratched his forehead, what could possibly have happened. He decided to go out around the town and see if anyone else was having this problem. The sky was a dull gray as he stepped off his porch and onto the bright gray stepping stones. He walked slowly down his grassy, dark green, lawn.
After a few minutes of walking he noticed a red orb up ahead, it had quills.
Flippy gasped, this must also be happening to her as well, he rushed over to her. He called out to her and saw her look up at him and call back, Flaky stood slowly and opened her arms, ready for a warm embrace.
Flippy hugged her deeply, not minding the small prick from her pines. There was a sudden piercing scream from Flaky and Flippy let go to see what was wrong. She pulled at her face and it seemed like her face was melting, she was the only thing moving in this lifeless world. Flippy opened his mouth to scream, then sat up.
There was a warmth and he looked around him, he was back in his room and in his warm bed. He quickly looked around the room and spotted the alarm clock, 5:30 exactly. He grumbled to himself about having dumb dreams and got out of bed to start his morning routine.
After his morning exercises he looked out the window to see the still, lifeless world. He gasped and shook his head, it was still there so he rubbed his eyes in shock. The lifeless, gray day, had not left so he shook his head one more time. After he realized the world would not leave he rushed outside, through the front door. He had trouble opening it but it still opened easily. He slammed the door behind him as he rushed off his concrete porch and onto his bright, gray, stepping stones. He ran into town to find Flaky, but she wasn't where she was last time. He looked around and called out for her, she was nowhere to be seen. Then there was a crash and a yelp, his attention turned to the vase shop next to him. He rushed inside and saw Petunia walking slowly around. He caught her attention and she looked up at him, her left eye was attached to her optic nerve but it wasn't in her socket. It was hanging freely down the side of her face. There was another ear ripping shriek as the purple skunk grabbed her flower and pulled. A strip of skin came off with the flower and it peeled down the middle of her face. Flippy opened his mouth to scream, and hit the floor.
He looked around, confused and angry; it was exactly 5:30.
He growled slightly and got up, he rushed over to the window and saw the lifeless, gray world. And again, he rushed to his front door. He turned the knot and pulled but it wouldn't budge. He shoulder slammed it, but it held tightly to it's old-looking hinges.
He growled at himself and rushed to the window near his door, it opened easily and he hopped out. He jumped off his gray porch and down his bright gray stepping stones. He ran straight to town and saw that Flaky still wasn't there, a few puzzle pieces hooked together in his mind; he checked the lamp shop, there was no Petunia but the gears in his mind were grinding to a start.
He ran to the candy parlor where he suspected Nutty might be. He entered in to see a rug of a squirrel on the floor. Nutty's arms and legs were stretched and there was a faint smell of blood. Flippy nodded as the elevator in his brain reached the top floor. He snapped his fingers as he had an idea that was worth a shot. He looked down at Nutty's corpse and mumbled a few sentances, it sounded like he was casting a spell but in reality he had simply said "You don't strike fear in my heart."
There was a sound of thunder clapping and the outside world resumed it's brightness and colors, the wind blew and there was a fresh smell of lemons. The leaves resumed falling off the hibernating trees, he smiled and walked outside. There was a shriek like no other and he felt a warm sensation on his side. He slightly jumped in surprise and looked down at Flaky, who had grabbed him in a huge hug from the side.
He asked her why she had to shriek like that and she simply replied with, "My face melted off." This hit Flippy like a bat, none of that was a dream and his friends had to deal with what they went through. He would not stand for it.
He side hugged a weeping Flaky and forced her to let go of him, she stood there for a moment as tears were streaming down her eyes. He apologized quickly and she accepted his hurried apology. He thanked her and rushed off, he called for her to be safe as he jogged toward the lake.
He dove into the water and a horrible laugh escaped him, he was snapping. He emerged the cold water and shook his wet fur, he took deep breaths to try and fight it. His mind raced as it tried to put together why that happened, then everything stopped as he remembered one very important thing about that certain day.
It was Hallows eve.

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