Nines POV
Gavin and I were sitting on the couch watching a strange show which he found enjoyable.
I was petting Cookie and watching the TV. About an hour later, I felt something hit my shoulder. I look over to see Gavin laying on my shoulder sound asleep. I smile and start to playing with his hair. He smiles and nuzzles into me. I continue to play with his hair for about ten minutes and then decide I should put him in his bed.
I pick him up and carry him to his room, leaving Cookie asleep on the couch. I lay him on his bed and take off his jacket. I turn to leave but he grabs my wrist.
"Please don't go." He grumbles.
"Ok Gavin." I sit on the bed but he pulls me down so I'm laying down next him. He snuggles up into my chest and I start to play with his hair. He hums while I pet his head until I start to feel tired. I shut off while holding Gavin in my arms.
Gavin's POV
I wake up and feel an arm around me. I snuggle up towards the warmth and hum slightly before realizing I'm lonely.I open my eyes and see Nines. I stare at his resting face and get lost in a trance, studying every detail of his face. I stroke his cheek and his eyes flutter open.
"Good morning Gavin." He says
"G-good morning, what happened last night?" I say blushing like a mad man.
"You fell asleep on the couch so I carried you to bed but you wanted me to stay with you to sleep." He says matter of factly.
"Okay." I say awkwardly
Nines gets up and leaves the room. I lay there and just think about what happened. I freaking slept with a tin-can. Well slept in bed with one. God I'm such an idiot.
"Gavin! Would you like pancakes for breakfast?" He shouts
"Y-yeah that's fine Nines." I say getting up and walking to the bathroom.
I start up the shower and get in, listening to Britney bitch because she is my main gurl.
Nines POV
I hear the shower turn on and Gavin screaming Holla Back Girl again. I like his singing it is very interesting to hear. I get the ingredients and a bowl. I dump them in and mix it up. I grab a pan and turn on the stove. I put the pancake mix on and let it cook before flipping it in the air and catching back on the pan.
"Holy shit that's cool!" I hear Gavin yell from behind me.
I turn around to see Gavin in some shorts, his hair still dripping wet. I feel my face heat up and my systems start to whirl. I manage to nod and go back to the pancakes.
He sits down at the table and I bring him a plate of pancakes and a coffee.
"I hope you enjoy Gavin. We do not have work today. Would you like to do anything today?" I ask smiling
He looks up his mouth full and nods.
"I wanna go get you some clothes. You look to formal dipshit." He says grinning.
"Okay, we can leave once you have finished." I say smiling and feeling my cheeks heat up again.
I turn around and walk to the couch and turn on the TV. Cookie jumps up into my lap and I grin. I pet her and she starts to purr. I look at the TV while petting Cookie.
I feel the couch shift and see Gavin sitting next to me. He looks at me then looks at Cookie.
"She fucking loves you!" He exclaims pointing at Cookie then me. "I feel betrayed!" He says giggling a little.
I smile and look at him again, feeling my cheeks heat up once more and my internal fans whirling to keep me cool.
Gavin then does something unexpected, he leans his head on my shoulder and looks back at the TV. I smile and start to play with his hair. He smiles and leans into me more.
We sit like this for a while until he decides we should go get me some clothes. We get in his car and drive to a mall.
Gavin POV
We walk around the mall until I find the perfect place. We walk in and I start looking for clothes, grabbing them and putting them in his arms. After about thirty some minutes, we walk to the changing rooms and he walks into one. I sit in the chair, waiting for the fashion show.
He walks out in a red hoodie and some black jeans.
"YOU NEED THIS ONE DEFINITELY!" I say a little too loud causing people to look at us. I start to blush and Nines just laughs. He walks back in and changes into another outfit.
I ended up buying every outfit because they all looked good on him. I also got him some sweatpants for pajamas. We exit the store and head to the food court.
"Dang I'm starving!" I exclaim. He smiles and I start to blush. WHAT THE FUCK IM NOT GAY! Wait maybe I am. Oh fuck I'm definitely gay. UGHHH EXISTENTIAL CRISIS! I am thrown out of my thoughts by someone snapping their fingers in front of me.
"Are you play Gavin? You kinda just zoned out." Nines says, looking concerned.
"I'm fine!" I say a little to quickly. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow but doesn't question it.
I get some food and I eat it with him even though he can't eat. Man he really is missing out.
"Hey Nines, why can't you eat?" I ask.
"I can actually eat but I don't have to." He says
I squeal and hold out my burger to him. He looks at me confused and I roll my eyes.
"Try some dipshit!" I exclaim.
He looks at it then takes a bit while I hold it. I start to blush as he chews, seemingly deciding if he likes it or not.
"I think I like it. It is interesting." He says. I laugh and take a bite myself.
"I know for sure I love it." I say
After I finish eating, we walk out of the mall and head to the car. We drive home and we put his clothes away.
"Do you need anywhere to sleep?" I ask.
"It is fine, I will sleep on the couch. I do not require a sleeping place." He says.
I look at him and shake my head.
"Whatever Nines, good night or whatever. I'm going to bed."
"Good night Gavin. I will wake you up for work." He says
I roll my eyes and walk to my room and hop in bed, to tired to change. I let my eyes slowly drift close as I fall asleep.

Reed900: A Gay Love Story
FanficAnother Reed900 fanfic. Nothing really too special but I guess it's good? Idk but anyway it's about your boi Gayvin and Nines so enjoy! May or may not contain sexual scenes like smut ;) So read at your own risk and yadda yadda. So beware and enjoy...