Diner Fun

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There are homophobic slurs so if you are sensitive about it, you might want to skip. Thank you for reading this and continue at your own risk! Au Revoir!

Nines POV (Finally)

I woke up and felt Gavin's head on my chest. I looked down and saw him snuggled into my chest, breathing softly. I reached my hand towards his head started to play with his hair. A smile dusted his lips and he let out a small, content sigh.

He slowly opened his eyes and yawned. He rubbed his eyes and looked up towards me smiling again. I smile back and lightly squeeze him in my arms. He lightly giggles and snuggles up into my chest even more.

"Good Morning Love." I say softly, lightly kissing his forehead. He lifts his head up and smiles. "Good Morning." He says, beaming. I think this is the happiest I have ever seen him.

"Do you wanna take the day off?" I ask, softly rubbing his back in a circular motion. He nods lightly and snuggles back into my chest. I send an email to the chief saying Gavin is sick so I am going to stay and take care of him. I start to play with his hair again and sighs lightly.

"What do you wanna do today Baby?" I ask watching a blush spread across his cheeks. "We should snuggle on the couch all day and hang out." He says smiling. "That's a great idea baby boy." I say and he yawns once more before sitting up and stretching. He gently rubs his eyes and just smile, admiring him.

He turns and looks at me and blushes, noticing that I was staring. I smirk and sit up too before climbing out of bed. I reach a hand towards him and he lightly takes it. I guide him towards the couch and sit down getting comfortable. I wrap a blanket that was on the arm of the couch. He snuggles up into me and sighs contently.

"What do you wanna do now?" I ask, whispering into his ear. He shivers and starts to think. "We could play a video game!" He says looking up at me and smiling. I chuckle and lightly nod. "What game would you like to play?" I say smirking slightly. "Fortnite for life my dude!" He says chuckling. I quickly look it up and download stuff on it.

"Sure baby. Want me to set it up real quick?" I ask and he nods quickly. I chuckle and stand up and turn on the TV and hook up the game. I grab two controllers and hand him one. "Good thing they made split screen version huh." I say quirking a brow. He giggles and nods.

I sit back down and we get comfy before deciding to play doubles. We join in a game and wait in the lobby while we chat. We soon get loaded onto the bus and soar above the map. I downloaded a file that will make me able to do pretty good. We both jump off and land at the same spot. We grab loot and get a couple guns each and some materials. We soon run into someone but I quickly shoot them and they die. Gavin gasps and looks at me shocked.

"What can I say." I say shrugging. He giggles and looks back at the screen. We continue our journey till there are only twenty people left. Him and I are completely in the zone and are extremely focused. We run into another duo and I quickly scope one and Gavin gets the other. We laugh and high-five before heading towards the middle of the map.

Gavin and I keep walking until we see a couple people fighting. Gavin and I look at each other and nod. I take out my sniper rifle and take out one of the people. Gavin then takes out the other two with a little struggle. I laugh and he growls at me. I chuckle and kiss his forehead.

Soon it is just us and one other guy. We fight him until he takes out Gavin. He pouts and throws his controller but soon yells. I look at him and smirk.

"I WILL AVENGE YOU MY LOVE!" I yell laughing. Gavin chuckles and starts to cheer me on. The other guy and I start to battle it out. We both are pretty good and we get into a building battle. After about five minutes of us battling, I finally shoot him one last time and he dies. Gavin jumps up and cheers. I make my character do the default dance and Gavin does it as well. He then does the orange justice and I start to laugh.

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