Mental Gayvin?

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Gavin's POV
I woke up to my alarm clock blaring it's evil buzzer. I groan and hit snooze. A minute later, Nines walks in and starts to shake me.

"WHAT THE FUCKETY FUCK DO YOU WANT!" I scream, still salty from waking up.

"We have work today in about 30 minutes so you might wanna get up and ready. Breakfast is ready." He states matter of factly.

I roll my eyes and get up with a groan. I yawn and rub my eyes.

"Could you get out so I can change dipshit?" I ask still a tad bit salty.

"Of course Gavin, I will be in the living room if you need me." He says walking away.

"Yeah yeah." I say waving him off. I grab a grey shirt and some jeans. I grab my jacket and get my badge and gun. I walk out to the kitchen and see bacons, eggs, and toast. I sit down and start to eat.

"Could you get me some coffee dipshit?" I ask, still stuffing my face.

"Ok detective." He says getting up and making me a coffee. He hands it to me right when I finish my breakfast because I was starving. I chug it and grab my keys.

"Le go." I say looking at Nines and he tilts his head as a puppy. I roll my eyes and motion for him to follow. We walk to the car and drive off to the station. It's going to be a loooooong day.

Nines POV
When we walk into the station, Gavin immediately walks towards the break room and starts his coffee. I go to my desk and see him talking to officer Chen. I connect to my computer and look for a case to go look at. I find an intriguing one and read into it. An android couple were brutally murdered in their home and their body's were found next to each other holding hands. I download the case and head over to Gavin.

"Detective, I found a case that we can head to now." I say looking at him.

"Whatever tincan." He says, walking over to the trash can shooting his coffee cup into the trash can making it. He does a little dance and heads towards the exit. We head outside and he chucks his keys at me.

"I don't where it is tincan you have to drive. I'm the DJ though." He says, trying to wink but failing horribly. I shake my head and hop into the car. He immediately reaches toward the radio and puts on Beyoncé's Single Ladies. I just smirk while I drive off, listening to him just screaming the lyrics.

After 30 minutes of Gavin singing Beyoncé, we arrive at a nice house in the woods. There is police tape and a couple cars. We hop out and walk into the house.

"Wow, nice house." Gavin says out loud looking around. The officer on sight lead us to the scene. There is thirium all over the place and their are two AP700 males, holding hands.

I can tell Gavin is a little uncomfortable but get to work. I search for finger prints and don't find any. I scan the thirium and it is 3 days old so the other officers couldn't see it. I walk around and find the murder weapon hidden under a floor board. I pick it up and it is a knife. I construct the scene and see that there was an obvious sign of struggle. I scan the knife and see finger prints on it from a man named Gabe Caroline. He has a criminal record of assaulting androids.

"Detective, I found a suspect. His name is Gabe Caroline and he has a criminal record of assaulting androids in the past." I say looking at Gavin.

"Ok tincan. Let's head back to the station and get some more information and go find him." Gavin says, head towards the door.

We exit the building and get to the car. Gavin hops into the drivers seat and starts the car. I get into the passenger side and we drive off to the station.

Gavin's POV
We pull into the station and we head towards our desks. We sit down and he immediately gets to work. I roll my eyes and take out my phone and start to play temple run. An oldie but a goodie I always say.  I glance up from my phone to see it is 5:00 and that means its time to leave. I get up, grab my shit and head towards the door.

"Where are you going Detective?" I hear Nines say.

"Home! Where else?" I say walking backwards. He get up and walks towards me. I hop in my car and he gets in next to me. I turn on the radio, settling on Panic! At the Disco because why not and we hit the road.

We arrive home in 10 minutes and I immediately run towards my house. I run in, kick off my shoes and grab a beer before plopping down onto the couch. Nines walks into the house slowly and takes off his shoes and goes to feed Cookie. I turn on Parks And Recreation and settle into the couch.

Nines POV
When we get home Gavin immediately starts to drink. He drinks a lot.

"Hey, hey Nines?" He asks slurring.

"Yes Gavin?" I ask

"Make sure the doors are locked, the android vampires are at a all time high and they will suck my blood." He slurs while I am just utterly confused.

"Heh Nines, are you a cow because you look udderly confused." He says while he bursts into laughter. I chuckle and I ruffle his hair.

"NOOOOO MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR, I WAS READY FOR MY WEDDING!" He screechs and I just laugh more.

"W-w-why a-are you l-l-laughing at m-meee?" He whines and starts to cry.

"Awww it's ok you little baby." I say looking at him.

He pouts and crosses his arms. "I am NOT a baby!" He says glaring at me.

"Uh huh, whatever you say Gavin." I say while rolling my eyes.

"MY NAME IS GAYVIN!" He screechs. I laugh and just nod.

"Ok Gayvin, how about you go to bed." I say ruffling his hair again while he just pouts.

"No." He says, turning his head away like a child.

"I'll give you a cookie and some warm milk. How about that huh?" I say with a baby voice. His eyes light up and he nods eagerly. We walk to the kitchen and I warm up some milk and get him a cookie. He dips the cookie in the milk and then eats it. He finishes the milk and wipes his mouth.

"TO BED MY TRUSTY STEED!" He yells and I roll my eyes.

"Let me on you back now my trusty steeds." He says looking at me. I shake my head but bend down and he climbs on my shoulders.

"WOAH IM SO TALL!" He yells. I'm starting to think drunk Gavin is adorable.

I walk him to his bed and I sit him down . I take off his jacket and I cover him up.

"Don't weave me pwease." He says in a Whitney voice with puppy dog eyes.

"Fineeee." I say sighing.

I lay down next to him while he snuggles up into me and wraps his arms around my chest. I roll on my side and I cuddle him back. He fell asleep immediately and I start to play with his hair.

"Why are you at my wedding dad, your dead." He mumbles in his sleep. I look it up and his dad is alive. God he is insane when he is drunk but is is adorable. I power off, not even thinking what was gonna happen tomorrow.

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