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Gayvin's POV

I wake up in the morning feeling like P-diddy. Sorry I had to. Well anyway, I wake up and immediately feel pain in my head. I groan and start snuggling up to the warmth next to me. Wait, what the fuck, I'm still a lonely little fuck. I open my eyes and see Nines. Wait, wait, WAIT. What the fuck? Why am I snuggling him? Oof, I think I'm blushing. Whyyyyyy? Oof whatever I'll just go back to slee-

"REEEEEE" my alarm starts to blare and I just groan.

I see Nines start to get up fuckkkkkkkkkkk. This is gonna be weird.

"Good Morning Gavin." He says smiling.

"Uhhhh, Hello?" I ask, more of a question. "Ok, so why the phck are you in my bed?" I ask cocking my head like a puppy.

"Last night I put you to bed and you begged me to stay and cuddle and kinda pulled me into the bed so I obliged." He said smirking

I felt my face heat up like, badly. I just flip into my pillow to hide my face from him.

"Gavin, your heart rate increased, are you ok?" He asked seeming concerned

"I am fan flipping tastic!" I say, my pillow muffling my voice. "Get me some aspirin or something! My head is killing me!" I say sitting up.

"You could not die from a hangover-"
"ITS AN EXPRESSION!" I yell but slightly wince because of my head.

"Are you okay Gavin." He says with concern laced through his voice. "Yeah, my head hurts a lot." I say looking at him. I feel my cheeks heat up again.

"I will go get you some aspirin and a coffee." He says while getting up.

"Thanks Nines." I say, completely forgetting I'm supposed to be tough. He looks at me like I had seven heads. "What!" I snap. "Nothing Gavin, you just seem to be, polite." He says. "Don't get used to it." I say, waving my hand and laying down again.

Nines POV

I walk away from the room, recalling the events. What is this feeling? Why do I want to never leave him. Why do I feel like my life depends on him. Wait, wait, wait! My life doesn't matter. Hmmmm I wonder what's wrong. I do a quick scan on my program. Software instability. Hmmmmm. Am I going deviant? Well I know it's fine now but emotions seem to hard.

I shake my head and walk into the bathroom and grab the bottle of aspirin from the medicine cabinet. I walk into the kitchen and make him a coffee.

I walk back into his room and set down his stuff. He's so lucky we don't have work today. I roll my eyes and gently poke him awake.

Gavin's POV

I wake up to someone slapping me with great force.

"OOF" I yell, holding my cheek. I look at Nines and glare. He just chuckles and hands me the coffee and aspirin. I mumble a thanks and lay back down.

"Oh no you don't! Get up you need food. Literally everything is gone. All you have is a fridge full of beer." He says glaring.

"That's how I like it." I mumble turning over.

Suddenly, I feel him lift me up. I squeak and fling my arms around his neck. I secretly don't like hights that much, or my feet not being on the ground. Another thing of my list of fears no one knows about.

I look into his eyes and feel my face heat up. They are the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. I can't look away. I start to study his face, every detail and I soak it all up. He is the most handsome person I have ever seen.

I am literally snapped out of my thoughts by Nines snapping in front of my face.

"Huh?" I say sounding like I was stupid. (Not saying I'm not.)

"You started to just stare at me." (Not that he's complaining XD)
"What, sorry I have a lot on my mind at the moment." I say, trying to stop myself from blushing.

He just rolls his eyes and dropped me. I yelped and I looked up at him. He looked at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Why did you drop me! It hurt!" I say looking at him. "You wouldn't get up so you left me no other option! Get ready we are leaving in half an hour." He says before leaving the room. I get on my usual clothes and walk out to see him on the couch watching TV.

Nines POV

I sat down on the couch waiting for Gavin.

"Ok get up we're leaving." He said. I rolled my eyes and we got in the car.

The car ride was not too bad. Gavin didn't run over every single bump or pot hole this time so that's a plus. When we arrive, I grab a cart and walk into the store. Gavin immediately jumps into the cart.

"ONWARD TO VICTORY!" He yells. Everyone looks at him and he doesn't even seem to care. I mutter a sorry and push the cart to the first aisle.

"What the hell Gav, were in public!" I say. "Gav?" He says cocking his head.

"Yeah, what, do you not like it?" I say. "No, no it's just that, no one ever really gave me a nickname before but, I like it." He says looking at me. I see him blush a little. I feel my system start to over heat and my face heat up a bit.

"Ok, but for real. Why the hell are you in the cart?" I say looking at him. "What can I say. I'm lazy as fuckkkkkk." He says looking at me. "Les go bitch." He says pointing forward. "Whatever." I say rolling my eyes but smiling at his adorableness. Wait what. Why would I think that! What is happening to me. I should ask Connor tomorrow at work.

~Le Time Skip~

When we arrive home, I put away the groceries while Gavin laid down on the couch. After I put them away I walked over to the couch. I picked up his legs and moved them and sat down. He put his legs back on my lap and I just let him.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He said looking at me. "Sure, you can pick. I don't care what we watch." I say shrugging.

He gets up and grabs a movie case before putting it in the DVD player. God he's old school. He set it up and Deadpool started playing.

"This is one of my favorite movies." He says smiling and looking at the screen. He sits down next to me and we watch the movie. About halfway through he leans his head on my shoulder. I look over at him and he smiling. I start to play with his hair and he leans into my hand. I smile and totally forget about the movie. Just this man next to me. I know he is a jerk and shit but I can't help but like him. His smile, his terrible sense of humor, and everything about him.

He suddenly looks up at me. I look back at him. I study his eyes. They are grey and I find them amazing. I see him start to lean towards me. I lean down too. Our lip are inches apart. We both slowly lean in and close the gap. I feel so many emotions go through me. His lips are so soft and smooth. I wish we could stay like this forever with our lips moving in perfect sync. Sadly he has to breathe. We both slowly pulled away and looked into each other's eyes.

"I-I-I liked that." I say looking at him. "I d-did t-too." He says still looking at me. "C-can I d-do it a-again?" I say still stuttering like crazy. "Please!" He says.

We linked our lips again. Our lips moving in perfect sync. I loved this feeling. It makes me feel so...


Ok, I have this chapter for today! My soccer practice is over so I don't have to on Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday. XD I should be able to update more. I might have another one today because I'm home sick with nothing else to do. Thanks for reading!

~Love you all! ❤️

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