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Hello people! I'm sorry I haven't updated but procrastination is a bitch! If this chapter sucks I'm sorry but idk.

♥*♡∞:。.。One Week Later。.。:∞♡*♥

Gavin's POV

It's been a week since New Years and Olivia and I have gotten very close again. Conan and I are still madly in love. We have work today and it fucking sucks. Like how I suck Conan's di-

"Gav, get up, we have to get ready for work." Conan says, nudging me lightly. I groan and shove my face into my pillow. Conan sighs and takes the blanket I was snuggled up in and I shiver.

"Conan!" I yell and he smirks. "You wouldn't get up." He said, shrugging. I groaned and stood up. I put on my rainbow cat sweat shirt and some black jeans. "Lets go." I say and slip on my shoes and then I grab his hand. "I love you!" I say and he smiles. "I love you too." He says and opens the car door for me.

✧༺♥༻∞Time Skip∞༺♥༻✧

We arrive at the station to fast. "I don't wanna work!" I said and Conan sighed. "You have to babe." Conan said and grabbed my hand. I groan and we walk to our desks.

I open up my computer and see a report. I open it up and see its a suicide. "Conan, I have a case!" I said and stood up and tugged Conan out the door to my car. Conan drives as always because he says and I quote, "You drive like a maniac." I definitely don't obviously.

"Conan, do I drive like a maniac?" I said, looking over at him. "Do you want the truth?" He said and I nodded. "Yes." He said and I slapped his arm. "You said you wanted the truth!" He said, chuckling. I pouted and crossed my arms, looking away. "Aww, don't pout love." Conan said and put a hand on my thigh. I sighed and then I saw flashing lights and heard sirens. "I think were close." I said and Conan chuckled. "I as well love." He said as we arrived at the crime scene.

I hopped out of the car and walked up to the door. "Hello Ollie!" I said, seeing him holding a tablet. "Hello Gavin." He said and gave me a small wave. Ollie was one of the few people who tolerate me at the station. He is pretty tall and he has a man bun. He has dark brown eyes and light brown eyes. I feel Conan wrap his arms around my waist. "Hello Gavin." He said so I said "Hi." "Ollie, you must know Conan right?" I said and he nodded. "Well, you can go in Gavin." He said and I nodded. "Lets go Conan!" I said and dragged him inside.

We walked into the bedroom and there was a girl hanging from the ceiling. "Conan, can you scan her?" I said and grabbed his hand. The girl was darker skinned and was in shape. She had hazel eyes and dark brown hair.

"Her name is Jamie Glass, she is 27 years old." He said and I nod. "What happened?" I said and looked around, there was nothing under her like the last case. "Conan." I said and he nodded. "Its like the last case." I said and he nodded sadly. I sighed and walked out. "Ollie, we are heading back to the station. I have seen enough." I said and hopped in the car and Conan drove us to the station.

Time Skip Brought To You By @Sparkstream Helping Me As Always! Thank You!

When we arrive at the station, I slam the car door and stomp toward Fowlers office.

"FOWLER YOU DUN GOOFED!" I yelled, slamming the glass door, it almost breaking. "What is it Reed?" He said, glancing up at me. "YOU LET A FUCKING MURDERER GET AWAY!" I yelled, slamming my hands on his desk, causing him stop jump. "REED WHA-" He said but I cut him off. "NO YOU CAN SHUT THE HELL UP! YOU LET AN INNOCENT PERSON DIE BECAUSE YOU WOULDNT LOOK INTO A LEAD YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" I yelled and he looked at me shocked. "Reed, I'm gonna give you a week off to fix you attitude." He said, his eyes still wide. I growled and walked to the door. I punched the glass door, my hand going straight through it and I didn't even flinch. The whole door shattered and I just stepped over the glass shards and got all my stuff. I looks down at my hand, seeing it was bloody and probably broken. I touched one of my fingers and winced. Definitely broken. I thought as I stormed out, everyone looking at me.

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