Secret Santa

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Ok, I'm warning you guys. There is smut in this so if you not 18+ don't read. I know you will anyway but I tried. There will be a little squiggly line and it will say Warning Smut so you can skip it if you want and read the chapter! Anyway enjoy this chapter!

Gavin POV

I wake up feeling wayyy better than yesterday. I feel Conan holding me tightly and I smile. He has been so nice to me and took care of me. I wiggle out of his arms without waking him up and walk out into the kitchen. I pour Cookie some food and then go over towards the book shelf. I pull out a cook book deciding I could make him breakfast. I mean, it couldn't be that hard right?


So far, while trying to make some homemade blueberry pancakes, I have managed to get a bunch of shell in the mix and it is impossible to get out so I gave up. I sighed and mixed it together getting flour everywhere. I just kept going.

Once it was all mixed, I turned on the stove and grabbed a pan. While it heated up, I went back over the instructions to see how cook it. I turn around and walk back to the mix. In the process, I somehow knock the whole carton of eggs on the floor, breaking them all. I fight the urge to scream and just leave it there.

I walk back to the stove and pour some of the batter on in the pan. I grab the blueberries and put them on the pancake in a heart because I love him. I sigh dreamily like a thirteen year old girl thinking about their crush. HAH suckers, my crush is my boyfriend so get shrekt! All you little losers suck so hahahahaha. All of them can go succ an egg.

I am snapped back into reality when I hear burning. I look down at the pan to see smoke coming from the pancake. I flip out and try and flip it. I eventually flip it over and see that it is black. Hey who doesn't like a little crispy pancakes? I smile and put the pancake on a plate. This is a lot of work.

I grab the batter and put some in the pan. I wait for it to cook without it burning. I go to flip it but, alas, it stuck.

"FUCK!" I yell covering my mouth remembering Conan is still asleep. I sigh and try to scrape off the pancake. I kinda succeed but some of the batter is stuck to the pan so I just throw the pancake away so I can clean off the pan so it wont stick. I pick it up and put it under the sink. I turn on cool water seeing steam erupt from the pan. I decide I'm to lazy for this and go to grab another pan. Suddenly, I feel my feet slip out from under me and I come crashing to the floor.


I land right on my butt and hear all the egg shells crack under my weight. At this moment he knew, he fucked up. COOKING FUCKING SUCKS AND ITS TO GODAMN HARD.

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, SHIT, CRAP, FUCKING FUCK, SHIT, DAMMIT, FUCK, SHIT!" I scream, hearing footsteps getting closer and closer to me.

Just, just imagine this for me. Here I am, sitting on the floor, surrounded by broken eggs and somehow flour. I am covered in flour and cursing like a sailor. Do you have the picture? Pretty hilarious right? WRONG! I am in pain and I am embarrassed. I turn my head to see no other than, you guessed it, Conan! Yay...

His eyes are wide open probably from shock of hearing me. He looks down at me and straightens his posture. He opens his mouth to say something but instead, bursts into laughter. He gripped the door frame and clutched his stomach probably from how hard he was laughing.

I grunted and made a pouty face while crossing my arms. He looked at me then fell on the floor, laughing even harder. I think he was even crying he was laughing so hard.

"Stahp laughing at me, I was trying to be nice!" I say glaring at him. He looked at me and stopped laughing for a second. He then started laughing again.

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