Another Reed900 fanfic. Nothing really too special but I guess it's good? Idk but anyway it's about your boi Gayvin and Nines so enjoy!
May or may not contain sexual scenes like smut ;)
So read at your own risk and yadda yadda. So beware and enjoy...
Gavin POV I wake up and feel Conan's arms wrapped around me. I smile and turn around to face him which was really hard considering we were tangled up and he was holding me in place but I manage. I snuggle up into his chest and he pulls me closer.
"Good morning love." He says and kisses my head. "Good morning." I say, my voice muffled by his chest. He chuckles and runs a hand through my hair. "I wuv you Conan!" I say and hop up and lay on top of him. "I wuv you too Gav." He says and I lean down and give him a peck on the lips. He smiles and I hop off of him. "Where are you going?" He says and I smirk. "I'm helping Pegleg today so she's not lonely." He smirks and stands up. "You mean you wanna see the kittens?" He says and I blush. "Maybe?" I say and go over to my closet. I rummage around until I find a black shirt and a white hoodie with cat ears. It's only fitting, I am going to go see my babies. I grab a pair of jeans and my red vans that have paw prints on the bottom. I walk into the bathroom and grab my glasses. I don't feel like wearing contacts today.
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(This is what he looks like. Credit to Olivia313?)
I walk back to the bedroom and Conan looks over at me.
"You wear glasses?" He said and I nod. "I usually wear contacts but I'm to lazy to do that today." I say and grab my phone and keys. "Bye Conan!" I yell. "Don't forget we have the Christmas parry at the precent!" He yells and I sigh. I forgot about that. I hop in my car and drive to the pet store.
"You Peggles!" I say when I open the door. She looks up from her phone and smirks. "You have definitely dressed for the occasion." She said and I nod. "To the kittens!" I yell and walk over to the kitten pen. I walk in and sit dead center. I pick up socks and hold her close. "Has anyone adopted her yet?" I ask and Peggy looks up with sad eyes. "Yeah." She says and I felt my heart break. I was gonna adopt her today but, I guess not. I sigh and pick her up and walk over to the counter, cradling her small, delicate body. I boop her nose and smile sadly at her. "I'm gonna miss you." I say and give her a kiss on the nose. "I'm gonna spend all day with you!" I say and she mewls happily.
I hear the door chime and someone walks in. They walk up to the counter and look at Peggy. "Hi, I need a kitten for my little girl." The lady says and Peggy points at me. "Ask him, he's an expert." I laugh and nod. "It's true!" I say and she turns to me. "Thank you! I want a sweet kitten who is adorable!" She smiles and I giggle. "All kittens are adorable!" I say and she laughs. "Your not lying." She says and I nod. "Here follow me." I say and walk over to the kitten pen. I walk in the pen and allow the lady to follow after me. I keep socks close to my chest because I love her so much.
I bend down and pick up Pumpkin. "This one here is Pumpkin!" I say and she mewls on cue. I smile and the lady laughs. "A charmer aren't they?" She says and I nod. "She is very sweet and is adorable!" I say and hand her over to the lady. "Aww! She is adorable!" She says and brings her close to her chest. "I think she's the one!" She says and I smile. "Well let's go get you the stuff!" I say and open the gate for her to exit.
"Ok, you will need a cat bed, toys, and a water and food bowl." I say and grab all the stuff for her. She smiles and thanks me. "PEGGY!" I yell and Peggy jumps slightly. "What?" She says and I gesture to the stuff. "Oh, that would be..." she says and rings everything up, "69.69!" She says and I snort. They both look at me and I blush. "Sorry!" I yell and the lady hands Peggy her credit card. I walk to the back room and grab a red ribbon. I then walk out and tie it around the kittens neck. She mewls and lightly hoops my nose.
"I will miss you too!" I say and the lady laughs. "Thank you so much!" She says and then leaves. I sigh and hold Socks close.
I help a few more people with kittens and soon, only Socks is left. I smile sadly and look down at Socks. "I hope you find a good new home." I say and kiss her forehead and set her down in the pen. She mewls and lays down on the blanket in her pen. I sigh and walk to the door.
"Bye Peggles!" I yell and Peggy waves. "Bye Gayvin!" She yell and I walk out and get in the car. I drive home and see Conan on the couch dressed and ready.
"We have to leave now Gav!" He said and stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the car. We drive to the precent, with our gifts, and walk in hand in hand. Everyone talks as we wait for Jeffery to tell us what to do.
"LISTEN UP!" Fowler booms and I sigh. "YOU MAY NOW EXCHANGE GIFTS!" He yells and Conan and I walk over to Hank and Connor. "Yo!" I yell and they look over at us. "Hello Gavin and Conan!" Connor squeaks like the little smol bean. "Hey." Hank grumbles and I smirk. "Here Hank!" I say and hand him my present. He opens it and pulls out the mug. I crossed out the word Gay and wrote Lieutenant. He then opens the bad I gave him and pulls out the sweatshirt.
"Thanks kid." He says and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back and then pull away. "Don't sweat it!" I say and he hands me a wrapped gif. "You got me? Hah!" I say and open my present. I almost die. "ITS A RAINBOW CAT HOODIE!" I scream and tackle him in a hug. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I say and he chuckles and hugs back. "Yeah yeah." He says and I pull back. "I can add it to my collection." I say and hold it close to my chest. Hank laughs and looks over at Connor.
"I-I got you Conan! I hope you like it!" He says and shoves a box into Conan's chest. Conan smiles and opens the box. It's a little figure of me and him. It's hand made but it's adorable."Thank you Connor! I love it!" Conan says and gives Connor a hug and Connor melts slightly. "Aww brotherly love!" I say and Hank laughs. Conan pulls away and carefully hands Connor a box with holes in it. The box moves and Connor carefully opens it. Out jumped a little German Shepard puppy. Connor squealed and held the puppy close.
"ITS SO CUTE!" He yelled and held it up in front of his face. "I'm gonna name you Shelby and you will be my police dog!" He cooed and Shelby yipped. "Your adorable!" Connor said and looked over at Conan. "THANK YOU SO MUCH BROTHER!" He yelled and handed Hank Shelby and leaped towards Conan. Conan laughed and hugged him back. "Here, there's something else." Conan pulled out a blue collar with a tag on it. He handed it to Connor and Connor smiled. He slipped it onto Shelby and picked her up. "IM SO HAPPY IM GONNA DIE!" Connor screamed and pulled her close. "LETS GO AND SHOW SUMO!" Connor said and pulled Hank away. "Lets go too." I say and we head home. We snuggle into bed and fall asleep, excited for tomorrow because it's Christmas bitch!