Breakfast Can Suck

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There will be sexual scenes in this chapter but not to bad. There is boy x boy so if you are uncomfortable then why are you even reading this book? All there I lots of kissing and even, *Cough* Shirtless Gayvin Cough* Anyways, continue at you own risk but beware...

Nines POV

I wake up with Gavin snuggled up into my side. I just sit and admire his features. I wish I could stay I bed all day with him and just hold him but alas, we have work. I wiggle my way out of his grip and replace myself with a pillow. He snuggles into the pillow and I smile. FUCK HES SO GOD DAMN ADORABLE!!!

I leave the room and head to the kitchen. I decide to make him some waffles. I grab the waffle mix because I decide that I am to lazy to make homemade waffles. I find the waffle maker and plug it in. I pour the batter in and let it heat up. I hear it beep and I take it out.

I put it on a plate and grab ice cream, chocolate sauce, strawberry sauce, caramel sauce, rainbow sprinkles, strawberries, and a cherry. I decide to make him a fancy breakfast because I'm feeling nice today.

I grab the ice cream and take 2 scoops and put it on top of the waffle. I then grab the strawberry sauce and drizzle some on. Then I do the same with the chocolate sauce and caramel. I then realize I forgot the whip cream. I grab it and put some on top of the ice cream then on each section of the waffle.

I then put the sprinkles all over everything. I then put a strawberry on each small mountain of whip cream then put a cherry on top of the ice cream. I step back and admire my magnificent creation. I then grab a mug and made some hot chocolate. I have a feeling he is going to love this.

I set everything on the table before adding whip cream and marsh mallows to the hot chocolate. I smile again and admire my beautiful work. I go and wash my hand and then head to Gavin's room, I cant wait to see his face.

Gavin's POV

I am awoken by Nines lightly shaking me.

"Wake up Gav, I made you breakfast." He says in a gentle tone. I smile lightly and sit up and rub my eyes.

"What time is it?" I say groggily.

"It is 6:30 and it is 32° outside. We have work at 8:00." Nines says, smiling at me warmly. I just look at him and smile. He's so nice I don't know why he likes me. He holds his hand out and I grab it. He pulls me up and we head to the kitchen.

"Close your eyes Gav, I'll  tell you when to open them." He says while he puts his hands over my eyes.

He leads me to what I'm pretty sure is the dining room then stops.

"Ready Gav?" He asks and I nod.

"3, 2, 1!" He pull his hands away and I see a spectacular breakfast. It is waffles with ice cream drizzled in all types of sauce! There is strawberries, ship cream,  and a cherry. I squeal and turn around and look at him

"You made this for me!" I shout, pointing at myself. He smirks and nod. I hug him then stand on my tippy toes and give him a peck on the lips before sitting down.

"Nines thank you so, so, so much!" I say and look over to him. He brings his hand up to his lips and slightly touches them. I giggle and just look at him. He looks at me then smiles.

"Sit down Nines!" I say and point to the chair next to me. He nods and walks over. He pulls out the chair and sits down.

"Since you made it, I wanna give you the first bite!" I Say cutting off a piece. I pick it up with my fork and put my hand under it to make sure it wouldn't fall. I guide to him and he opens his mouth. I slowly put in his mouths and he bites it off. I look at him while he slowly chews. He looks at me smirks.

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