Gavin's POV
I woke up the next morning still in Nines's arms. I cuddled into him more and hummed. He shifts and then opens his eyes. He stares at me and I stare back."Good morning Gavin." He said smiling slightly. "Yo." I say smirking. He rolls his eyes and pushes me off the bed.
"Whyyyyyy." I yell, groaning. I pull the blanket off the bed and cuddle up in it. "Gavin we have work today get up." He says and I just groan and get up, still wrapped up in my blanket.
I walk out to the couch and turn on the TV.
"Can you get me my clothes I'm lazy." I yell. I can just feel his eye roll as he walks out to the living room. He chucks my clothes at me and walks back to my room.
I quickly get dressed and wrap back up in my blanket.
"We have to leave now Gavin so we can get breakfast." He says.
"FINEEEE" I groan getting up and putting my shoes on. Yes I know I didn't brush my teeth but I'm to lazy ughhh.
We get in the car and I sit in the passengers seat.
"Nines, lets go to Starbucks! They literally have peppermint everything because it is December 1st." I say, something's never change.
"Ok Gavin what are you gonna get?" He says quietly. "I'm gonna get me a peppermint mocha I mean why not?" I say.(I'm mainly getting peppermint because of my breath.)
"Ok well what do you want to eat?"
"Ohhh I want one of those snowman cookies! Those are my JAM!" I say and he just gives me one of those looks that say, you are insane.
We eventually arrive at Starbucks and go in.
"Hello, what would you like today?" The cashier says. She was a very attractive girl with blonde hair that had blue streaks in it. She was wearing a crop top and a skirt. She had bright blue eyes and was wearing dark red lipstick and was definitely eyeing up Nines.
"Could I get a Peppermint Mocha and a snowman cookie?" I say kind of glaring at her. "Would you like anything babe?" I say looking over at Nines. He looks at me and his face turns a slight shade of red. Huh Connor usually turned blue. Must be a new feature.
"C-can I get t-the same p-please?" He says stuttering up a storm. Heh, back off bitch dis man is mine.
"Ok that would be, $10,58, can I get a name for the order." She says looking at Nines and biting her lip.
"Gavin." I say grumbling. Nines just looks confused at why I'm salty. She's hitting on you! For something basically made of technology you are very dumb sometimes.
"They will call your name and you can get your over their! Have a good day sirs." She says, winking at Nines. I roll my eyes and grab his arm and walk towards the counter.After waiting like, 10 minutes for some reason we get our food and sit down.
"Nines! That girl was hitting on you! Are you that oblivious." I say looking at him.
"She was? I thought she was being... friendly." He says looking innocent. I just groan looking at him. "She fucking wrote her number and a winky face on your cup." I say a little too loud and everyone looks at us. I just glare at everyone and say, "Mind your own god damn business." And they go back to what ever the hell they were doing.
"Are you jealous?" He asks wiggling his eye brows.
"Actually I am! I am pissed." I say
"Aww don't worry Gavin. I only like you." He says like a toddler. I blush and hide my face in my hands.
"Gavin, I wanna see your face." He says and I just blush more. I put my hands down and grab my cookie and take a bite and try to look serious. He looks at me and laughs.
We finish up our food and head to the station. We clock in and head to our desks."WHAT UP BISHES!" I yell and everyone looks at me. I laugh and Nines just face palms and walks away.
"I'm not with him!" He yells and I just laugh. Everyone looks at us like we are insane (which I am) and then goes back to work.
"Sooo, what do we have to do today?" I ask spinning a pen around my fingers.
"We just have to fill out paperwork. Hank and Connor already got the only case today because we were at Starbucks." He says and smirks. I groan and open up my computer. Why does this job have to be so boring sometimes?
~Time Skip brought to you by me not knowing what happens in a police station~
Once it is finally time for us to leave, I have gone through about 15 cups of coffee despite sleeping the whole night.
"Finally we can leave this hell." I say standing up. Nines looks at me then stands up as well.
"Do you want to drive or should I?" He say looking at me. "Well I am lazy as fuck so you can do it!" I say making my way towards the exit.
We get to the car and hop in. "Let's listen to Christmas music because why not." I say turning on Christmas music before he could respond.
"Get used to it Nines, this is all we will listen to for awhile." I say laughing maniacally afterwards. He looks at me and just starts the car and drives home.
"COOKIE BABY WHERE ARE YOUUUU?" I yell when I walk in. She trots towards me and jumps into my arms.
"Daddy missed you! Yes he did! Yes he did." I say in a baby voice. (You know what I mean) She meows and starts to purr. I pet her and then sit down on the couch.
"Gavin, what do you want for dinner?" Nines yells from the kitchen. "Surprise me!" I yell back to him and then look back down at Cookie.
"Aww I love you! Yes I do! So so so much!" I saw cuddling into her. "You are my little baby."
I must have been playing with her for a while because Nines yells at me that dinners ready. I walk to the dining room and see spaghetti and meatballs.
"Wow Nines this looks great! Thank you" I say, practically drooling. "Your welcome Gav." He says looking at me.
We both sit down and eat. We occasionally talk until we are both done. We sit down on the couch and I cuddle into him because I need some loving too.
"What do you wanna watch Gav?" He says looking down at me while playing with my hair.
"Let's watch princess and the frog!" I say. He goes on Netflix and finds it. He puts it on and I snuggle into him even more so that I'm practically in his lap.
We watch the movie but I pass out halfway through. I feel him carry me to my bed and lay me down.
"Don't go." I mumble barely awake I hear him chuckle and lay down in bed with me. "I would never dream of it Gav." He says and lays down. I snuggle up into him and fall back into a deep sleep. Feeling safe in his arms.

Reed900: A Gay Love Story
FanfictionAnother Reed900 fanfic. Nothing really too special but I guess it's good? Idk but anyway it's about your boi Gayvin and Nines so enjoy! May or may not contain sexual scenes like smut ;) So read at your own risk and yadda yadda. So beware and enjoy...