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Conan POV
I woke up and felt Gavin snuggled up in my arms. I squeezed him tightly and kissed his forehead.

"Wake yo Gav." I say softly. "Nuuu." He whined, shoving his face into my chest. "I'll make you breakfast!" I say, trying to get him to just get up. "No!" He said so I just wiggles out of his grasp and landed on the floor. I heard him giggle but then he whined.

"Don't leave me!" He yelled making his famous grabby hands at me. "If you don't want to leave me then get up and help me cook." He groaned but nodded. "You have to carry me." He said looking up at me with pleading eyes. I sighed but picked him up and let him rest his head on my shoulder. While I was walking out to the kitchen, I heard his soft snores.

You would think he would snore really loudly but it's more like a soft, little kitten snore. I tightened my grip on him and he buried his head further into the crook of my neck. At this point, my heart melted. I sighed and walked over to the couch. I gently laid him down and covered him up with a blanket which he snuggled into. I smiled and walked over to the kitchen to make breakfast.

What to make, what to make... Hmmm. I don't know what to make. I walk over to the cook book Gavin left out and looked through all the foods. We had pancakes yesterday, waffles, hmm, I have already made them before. What about, ahhh, French toast. I grab all the ingredients and place them on the counter.

I grab an egg and crack it into a bowl. I then grab some cinnamon and sprinkle it in. I lastly grab some vanilla extract and put some in. I then grab the whisker and whisk it all together until it was the right consistency. I then grabbed a pan and put it on the stove. I turned the stove on and then sprayed it with nonstick cooking spray so it wouldn't stick.

I walk back over to the mixture and bring it over to the stove. I grab a piece of bread and dip it into the mixture, coating both sides. I then put it on the stove to let it cook. I then took it off when it was done and put it on a plate. I repeated this process until the mixture was mostly gone. I placed the plate of French toast on the table and grabbed two more plates. I grabbed some powdered sugar and maple syrup. I then took two pieces and put them on a plate for Gavin. I sprinkled some powdered sugar and then put some syrup on. I then walked to the fridge and grabbed the Cool Whip and put some on top. I then grabbed a strawberry and cut it in half and placed it on top.

I walked out to the living room to see Gavin still asleep on the couch with Cookie sitting on top of him. I smile and grab Gavin's phone and took a picture of him and Cookie. I then unlock his phone and set it as his background. I set his phone down and walk over to him.

"Gavin, foods ready. Your lucky I let you go back to sleep." I said poking him in the head. Not slapping him this time. He groaned and turned so he was facing the back of the couch. I sighed and grabbed the blanket he was cuddled up in and pulled it off of him. He whimpered and held his arms to keep warm. I looked at Cookie who was awake and she looked at Gavin. She then jumped onto his head, causing Gavin to sit up. He pulled Cookie off and put her into his lap. He yawned and looked over to me.

"When did you get here?" He said between yawns. "Gav, I carried you out here, whatever I made breakfast so come on." I say reaching my hand out to him. He took my hand and sat up. We walked to the table and he sat down and started to eat. I smiled and then grabbed some Orange Juice and poured two glasses. I set them down on the table then grabbed myself some food.

"How did you sleep Gav?" I asked, looking over at him. "Like a baby." He said, his mouth full. I rolled my eyes and looked back at my food. "My baby." I said. I saw him look over at me and smile. He leaned into my shoulder and rested his head on it. I looked at his plate and he somehow had eaten both pieces in like, five minutes. I chuckled and took another bite of food.

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