Conan's POV
I wake up and feel Gavin shivering. I check his stats and see, guess what? He has a fever of 101.1. I kinda flip out and jump out of bed. Gavin stays sound asleep somehow probably because he's sick. I run into the bathroom and look inside the medicine cabinet for something to bring his temperature down. I grab a bottle of Tylenol and put it on the bedside table. I then go to the kitchen and make him some toast because it should be light on his stomach. I get him a glass of water and an ice pack if he needs it.
I walk into our bedroom and see Gavin still sound asleep. I sigh and put the tray of food on the bedside table next to the Tylenol. I sit on the bed next to him and lightly shake him.
"Gavin, you need to wake up." I say softly. He groans and rubs his eyes. He suddenly shoots up and runs to the bathroom. I walk in after him and see him sitting on the ground next to the toilet. I gently rub his back as he throws up.
"Its ok Gav." I say lightly kissing his head. He shudders and slowly turns around, jumping into my arms. He nuzzles his head into my chest and I hug him back tightly. I slowly lift him up and sit him on the bathroom counter. I grab his toothbrush and quickly brush his teeth.
I finish brushing his teeth and pick him up bridal style and carry him to bed. I lay him bed and gently kiss his forehead.
"Are you hot or do you want a light blanket?" I ask. "Can I have a blanket." He whispers, his voice hoarse. I nod and grab a light blanket. I tuck him in and hand him the Tylenol and glass of water. He takes it and then snuggles into the blanket.
"Do you want to eat or no?" I ask grabbing his hand and rub circles with my thumb. He shakes his head and I grab the food and icepack and bring back to the kitchen. I send an Email to Captain Fowler about Gavin being sick. I then walk back to our room and see Gavin asleep. I smirk and get dressed. Might as well go Christmas shopping if he is gonna sleep all day. I write him a letter just in case he wakes up. I then head out and get in the car.
I drive to the mall and walk around for a while. I see a hot topic and smirk, immediately walking in. I look around and find a perfect shirt. It has a bunch of random things on it but when you fold it up it says Fuck off. I immediately grab it and checkout. I head out and continue to look for another thing. I see a jewelry store and walk in. (Hint Hint, He finds something.)
I finish buying Gavin's presents and drive home. I walk into the house and set the bags down. I walk to the bedroom and see that Gavin is still asleep. I smile and walk into the room and grab the note I wrote. I then walk back into the living room and start wrapping gifts which I wrap perfectly. I finish and hide them. I walk back into our room and wake Gavin up again so he can take his medicine. I then walk back out to the kitchen and start making him chicken noodle soup.
I bring him a bowl and force him to eat it because he is stubborn.
"Gavin, you need to eat." I say pleadingly. He crossed his arms and looked away like a child. "No." I look at him and sigh. "Gavin, I will force you to eat." I say sternly. "No." He says again. "Just one bite please." I say desperately. "Fineeeeeeee." He says grabbing the spoon. He slowly takes a bite and then he hmmm. "Its really good." He says taking another bite. "Don't eat to much babe you might throw up." He nods and I take the bowl. I clean it out and lay down with him. He snuggles up into me and I wrap my arm around him. He passed out immediately and I soon followed.
Sorry for the boring chapter. I need more ideas! If you guys have any suggestions I will gladly take them. XD Im sorry again bc I feel guilty now! Anyway, I will update again soon so Au revoir.

Reed900: A Gay Love Story
FanficAnother Reed900 fanfic. Nothing really too special but I guess it's good? Idk but anyway it's about your boi Gayvin and Nines so enjoy! May or may not contain sexual scenes like smut ;) So read at your own risk and yadda yadda. So beware and enjoy...