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OKAY, the title says it all! Read at your own risk. 18+ I guess but we all know you'll read it anyway. So continue at your own risk! Their is bxb in this and yeah. I warned you so don't complain to me. AlleyKat, AWAYYYY!

Gavin's POV (Still)

I rub my thighs together to get the much needed friction.

"Ah, ah, ah, Babyboy. Your not allowed to do that. I'm pleasuring you unless you want me to punish you." Nines say, still hovering above me. I gulp and stop but whine at the loss of attention. Nines looks at me and smirks. He trails his hands down my chest then reaches my pants. He hooks his finger around the hem of my jeans and slowly pull them down leaving me only in my boxers. He throws my jeans somewhere around the room and then looks back at me.

"Your so, so beautiful baby! Just look at you so pretty and your all mine. No one else's right?" He asks looking at me. I nod and moan lightly at his praise.

"Oh? You like me praising you my love?" Nines asks smirking and looking at me. I slowly nod and he smiles.

"Oh my beautiful baby boy. So pretty. Your so good just for Daddy huh? So hot and turned on for Daddy huh baby?" he say slowly massaging my thighs. I nod and moan again but a little louder than before.

"D-Daddy, its no fair! You still h-have all your clothes on!" I say pouting lightly and he just looks at me smiles.

"Oh Babyboy if you want me to take my clothes you should have asked! But... I'm afraid your gonna have to do it for me." He says looking at me smirking. I nod and slowly reach forward and grab his shirt. I undo the buttons with some trouble and fumbling on the last couple. I eventually get them all undone and slip off his shirt.

I lay back down and admire his well toned chest. He stays hovering above me and I slowly reach up and touch his chest. He smirks down at me and I smile. I continue to lightly touch his chest then I move my hands down to his pants. I slowly pull them down and he kicks them off and throws them across the room.

We both stayed there and looked at each other, just in our boxers nonetheless. He slowly leaned down and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I gladly kissed back while he slowly moved his hand down to my chest towards my aching member. He slowly hooks his finger on the hem of my boxers and slowly pulls them down. My member springs free and I gasp at the cold air. Nines backs up and looks me up and down. I blush and look away. Nines grabs my chin and tilts my head toward him. He give me a small smile that made my heart shatter. It was so kind, beautiful, and filled with love. I smile back and continue to look at him. He then kisses me and then slowly makes his ways from my lips my member. He eventually makes it to my member places a soft kiss. I moan and he looks up at me. He then starts to lick strips up from the base to the tip. I let porn star worthy moans. He then suddenly take my whole member into his mouth. I moan and grip the sheets, my knuckles turning white. My hands find their way to his hair and I tightly grip his hair. I lightly pull his hair and he groans. I buck my hips up but he grabs my hips and pushes them down. I whine put I keep moaning while he gives me immense pleasure.

"D-D-DADDY I-I-IM G-GONNA CUM!" I yelled, my eyes filled with tears from the immense pleasure. He keeps bobbing up and down. I feel my stomach tighten and then I cum into his mouth.

He pulls off with a pop sound and smirks up at me. He crawls back up towards me and then stops. He leans toward my ears and then bites the cartilage.

"You taste so good Babyboy." He whispered into my ear making my member become erect again. I moan and he backs up again.

He slowly pull down his boxer revealing his own member. I gulp at the size of it and he smirks at my expression.

"Don't worry Babyboy, I will take care of you." He say lightly kissing me. He goes down in between legs and lightly licks my entrance. I moan loudly and he pulls back. He reaches up towards my face with his and tells me to "suck" his fingers. I gently take his fingers into my mouth and suck while he starts to lightly lick my entrance. I continue to moan while licking his fingers till he takes them back and pulls away from my entrance. He positioned a finger at my entrance before looking up at me.

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