Old Friends

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Warning ⚠️: Smut but who ever listens to that? Also, be prepared for a crossover ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I hope you enjoy my friends!
Gayvin's POV
I wake up and see that Conan is still snuggling with me. I smile and sit up. I yawn and stretch and try to come to life. I stand up and walk out to the living room. I grab the remote and turn on the news.

"Christmas is in two days! We are looking at a white Christmas here in Detroit!" The weatherman said and I shot up. It's almost Christmas! I run to our room and jump on Conan.

"CONANANANANNANANANNANANANANAANANNANANANANANANANANNANANA!" I say and start to shake him. He groans and sits up. "What happened last night?" He said, rubbing his head. "YOU GOT DRUNK BUT LISTEN TO ME!" I say, bouncing up and down. He nods and stops rubbing his head. "CHRISTMAS IS IN TWO DAYS!" I say and shake him again. He chuckles and nods. "Yes, I know Gav." He said and grabbed my hands to make me stop shaking him. "GUESS WHAT ELSE!" I say and start bouncing up and down on his lap. "G-Gavin stop t-that." Conan says.

"What this?" I say and slowly grind into him. He groans and I giggle. I pull him into a kiss. He starts to grind back against me and I moan. "C-Conan~" I moan out. "What G-Gav?" He said in response. "F-Fuck me~" I moan. Conan growls and nods. He picks me up and pins me to the bed. He leans towards my ears and whispers. "Gladly~" He said, biting my ear. I moan and he and he trails his hands down to my clothed member. He starts to palm me and I moan loudly.

"S-Stop t-teasing pl-please~" I moan out. He smirks and pulls off my pants and underwear in one swipe. I gasp and moan as my erect member sprouts up. "Excited?" He said and starts to pump my member. I moan and throw my head back into the bed. He stops and takes his pants and boxer off.

"No prep?" He said and I moaned not being able to talk. He smirks and lines up with my entrance. He slowly pushes the tip and I wince. He pulls me into a kiss and I kiss back hungrily. He then slams into me and I scream in pleasure.

"C-CONAN~" I scream as he starts to slam into me. He then grabs my legs and spreads them apart getting even farther. My mouth falls open and I start to slightly drool from all the pleasure. He angled his hip and hits my prostate. I scream and sit up, digging my nails into his back leaving marks.

"CONAN R-RIGHT THERE~" I scream and he grunts and keeps thrusting into my prostate. "I-IM C-CLOSE!" I yell and he nods. "Me too b-baby." He said and started thrusting even faster, hitting my prostate each time. My eyes roll back and I let out a moan louder than all the rest, cumming on both of our chests. Conan grunts and keeps thrusting into me and I moan at the over stimulation. He thrusts a few more times and then cums into me. He pulls out and collapsed on top of me.
I giggle and push him off of me.

"I love you!" I say and then climb on top of him. He chuckles and rubs my back. I hum and snuggle up into the crook of his neck. "I love you too Gav." He said and kissed the top of my head. I lifted my head up and stood up. I wobbled slightly and Conan chuckled.

"Stahp it!" I say and stumble over to my drawer and grab a pair of boxers. I put them on and then throw a pair at Conan. I stumble out of the room and make it to the couch. I sit down and grab the remote. Cookie hops up on my lap and I smile.

"Hello baby!" I say and lightly pet her. She purrs and I smile. "You are adorable!" I say and pick her up. She looks me in the eyes and then lightly sets her paw on my nose. I giggle and she meows. I hold her like a baby and rock her in my lap. She purrs and leans into my chest. I smile as she slowly falls asleep. I set her in my lap as she sleeps soundly. I pet her as she laid in my lap.

"You two are adorable." Conan said walking towards us. I shush him and then smile. He sits down next to me without waking up Cookie. I lean my head on his shoulder. I sigh but then sit up. I pick up Cookie and place her in Conan's lap.

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