Gavin's POV
I wake up and stretch, a smile dusting my face. I then hop up and look over at Conan. I smirk and then step back. I then run at the bed at full speed and leap, landing directly on him. He shot up and I started to bounce up and down.
"It's Christmas, It's Christmas, It's Christmas!" I chanted over and over again and Conan smirked. "That it is." He said and I buried my face into the crook of his neck. "Lets go open presents!" I beamed and he chuckled. "Ok love." He said and I hopped off him. I stood up and looked down at him. "Hurry up!" I say tapping my foot impatiently. "I am, I am." He said standing up. I grabbed his hand and dragged him down the hall.
When we arrive at the living room, I see a bunch of presents under the tree. I smile and turn around, pulling Conan into a hug. He smiled and hugged me back.
"You got me so much! You didn't have to!" I say and look up at him. "It's worth every penny if it makes you happy." He said and I buried my head into his chest. "Go open them Baby." He said and I pulled away and ran over to the tree. I sat down in front of the huge pile of presents. I patted a spot next to me and Conan walked over and sat down next to me. I climbed into his lap and leaned into him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and set his chin on top of my head. I smiled and leaned my head back and gave him a kiss on the lips.
"This is already the best present." I say and he grins. "I agree but you should still open them." He said smirking. I nod and pull a present into my lap. It was wrapped perfectly with a bow wrapped around it. I smile and pull the end of the bow untying it. I then rip the wrapping paper off and see a box. I open it up and blush.
"What the hell you kinky bastard!" I say and turn around and look at him. He chuckled and then smirked. "Do you like it?" He said and I blushed. "You got me a fucking rainbow dildo!" I say in disbelief. He just smirked and chuckled. I lightly shoved him but then started laughing with him. I sigh and grab another one. It was relatively small. I unwrapped it and saw a black box. It was bigger then a ring box so don't get your hopes up. I open it and see a collar. It was a light pink collar with white lace on the edges. It had my name engraved in it and looked up at Conan who was smirking.
"You really are kinky aren't you?" I say giggling a bit and he just shrugs. I rub my thumb over it and look at him again. "Can you put it on?" I say in a whisper and he nods. I hand it to him and he puts it around my neck. It fits perfectly and comfortable. I smile and he looks over me. "It looks great kitten" He says and I blush furiously. He smirks and pulls me closer again. I sigh and grab another present. I open it and I smile.
"I love it!" I say and hug him. It was a framed photo of us holding hands. I smile and place it down carefully. I grab another present and open it.
"You really are a kinky mother fucker." I say and shake my head. In the box was a bunch of sets of lingerie. He chuckles and leans down to my ear. "You know you love~" He purrs into my ear and I blush. I'm probably as red as a strawberry. I nod and he chuckles. I grab a significantly big one and tear it open. Inside is a gigantic cat stuffed animal. I squeal and latch onto it, escaping Conan's grip. I nuzzle my head into it and I hear Conan "Aww" from behind me. I jump up and give him a kiss on the cheek. "I love it!" I squeal and flop back onto the giant stuffed animal.
"What are you gonna name it?" He says and I smirk. "Conan. Jr!" I say and Conan laughed. "Whatever you want kitten." He said, sending shivers down my spine. I crawled back into his lap, missing his touch. "I love you Conan!" I say and wrap my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and I snuggle up into his chest. "I love you too kitten!" He said and I let out a whimper. "What? Do you like when I call you kitten." He said and I whimpered. He rubbed my back and then turned me around. "You still have a bunch of stuff to open." He said and I grabbed one. I opened it up and saw a black leather jacket. I smile and hold it close. "I wanted one! How did you know?" I said and he smirked. "I just had a feeling." He said and kissed the top of my head. I smiled and stood up. I went and grabbed the present I got him.
I handed it to him and then sat back down in his lap. He opened it and I gave him a nervous glance, hoping he would like. He smiled warmly at me and pulled me into a hug. I had gotten him a promise ring that I had as well. He slipped it on his finger. It was a simply ring with the word "Love" engraved on the top and "Promise" promise on the bottom. I put the other one in with his and took my hand and slipped mine on.
"I promise kitten, I will always love you and be loyal to you." He said and I smiled. I pulled him into a kiss and he immediately kissed back. I pulled away, letting tears slip down my face. "What's wrong kitten." He said and lightly wiped away a tear off my face. I smiled and connected our foreheads. "Nothing, I-I'm just s-so happy." I say and he pulls me close as I cry tears of joy. I eventually calm down and open the rest of my gifts which consisted of a lot of kinky stuff. When I finished the last present, Conan got up and said he was going to get one last one.
I waited and Conan emerged with a box that had holes cut into it, wrapped in beautiful red wrapping paper. He handed it to me and I carefully peeled away the wrapping paper. I then opened the box and out jumped a little kitten. The kitten hops into my lap and I notice its Socks. Socks had a big red ribbon wrapped around her neck. I picked her up and help in front of my face. I looked over at Conan and he smiled. I looked back at Socks and she put her paw on my nose. I squealed and fell onto my back, kicking my legs. I held socks in my arms and then pulled her close to my chest.
"MY BABY!" I yelled and she mewled happily. I saw Cookie hop off her cat tree and walk over to me sprawled out on the floor. She sniffed Socks and I placed her on the floor and watched Socks stroll over to Cookie and start to play with her tail. Cookie didn't seem to mind and swished her tail around happily. I got up and leaped at Conan who caught me in his arms. I looked over at Cookie and Socks to see that they had gone onto the cat tree and were both already sound asleep somehow. I yawned and Conan carried me to bed.
He laid me on the bed and then laid down next to me. I curled up into his chest as he started to play with my hair.
"Thank you for everything Conan, this was the best Christmas I have ever had." I said and he pulled me closer to him. "I'd do anything for you kitten." He said and I smiled and let my eyes close. He continued to play with my hair until I fell asleep. We spent the whole Christmas in bed snuggling and sleeping. The best way to spend Christmas I learned.

Reed900: A Gay Love Story
FanfictionAnother Reed900 fanfic. Nothing really too special but I guess it's good? Idk but anyway it's about your boi Gayvin and Nines so enjoy! May or may not contain sexual scenes like smut ;) So read at your own risk and yadda yadda. So beware and enjoy...