Chapter 1

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I lean my body over the side of the toilet
You need to be skinny, it's what Matt's fans want, they tell me everyday.
I couldn't do it.
I sit on the ground and look at my phone.
She is so ugly
Doesn't she know she's worthless
Only wants the fame
She isn't even pretty
Look at those thighs their disgusting.
I look down at my thighs, they were pretty big.
"Ashley I'm home" Matt called.
I quickly got up and grabbed a sweatshirt. I walk out and see Matt walking in the bedroom.
"Hey there's my beautiful girlfriend" Matt says walking over, he picks me up and spins my around.
"I missed you" I say.
"I missed you 2 pretty girl" Matt says.
He pulls away and looks at me his happy face disappearing.
"Are you okay" he says.
"Yea I'm fine" I say looking away.
"You have been crying" he says wiping a tear away.
"I'm happy your back" I say smiling, that was a lie I saw him like 5 days ago.
"Hm" is all Matt said.
"I'm tired I'm gonna go to bed" I say walking over to the bed.
"It's only 9" he says.
"I'm tired" I say.
"All be in the kitchen" he says walking out the door. I laid on the bed and slowly fell asleep.

"Ashley" I heard a voice say, I slowly open my eyes.
"Ashley you awake" Mahogany says looking at me.
"Yes I am know" I say looking at the clock. It read 8 o'clock.
"Why are you here so early" I say.
"Matts over at the boys already so I though hey lets have a girls day" she says smiling, of course Matt was at the boys he isn't here anymore.
"Sure" I say getting up and going to the bathroom, I got dresses fast in white shorts and a pink crop top that says selfie on it.
I put on a little makeup and did my hair.
"Let's go" I say.
We both walk out and sit in the car, about half way there she says something.
"Something is wrong" mahogany says.
"Why would you say that" I say.
"Ashely I'm not stupid you haven't talked at all" she says.
"It's nothing" I say.
"It's me" she says looking at me.
"No no no it's not you" I say.
"It's Matt" she says, I don't answer her I just look out the window.
"What he do" she says.
"He just acts like I don't exist" I say.
"I forgot my wallet" mahogany says pulling the car around and heading back.
"You do this every time" she says.
Her phone begins to ring.
"Hello" she says.
"Dad slow down" she says.
"What do you mean" she says.
"I'm" she begins.
"I'm leaving right know all catch the next plane there" she says.
She hangs up the phone.
"What happened" I ask her.
"My mom has to get surgery they said she most likely won't make it and she wants to see me and I have to go out there" she says tears fall down.
"Where" I say.
"California" she says.
"Where in Florida" I say looking at her.
"I'm gonna pack my stuff" she says.
"I'm going" I say.
"Ashely you don't have to" she says.
"I want to" i say.
"Your the best" she says pulling in the drive way. We run in and grab our clothes in the hotel room.
"What about the boys" she says looking at me.
"Well I'm guessing there out till late all call them in California" I say.
"Okay" she says as we run out of the hotel room.

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